
We want your suggestions! Please sign up to have the ability to make suggestions and post in the various areas of this site that allow feedback

102 thoughts on “Suggestions”

  1. Would like to comment on the number of handicapped spaces again. At this time, Sept 21st, 21, there are 3 full time residents who have handicapped placards. There are 2 designated handicapped places. Don’t see how that is in compliance. From time to time other residents with handicap placards will be here. And there are several visitors I know who need that designated parking as well. I believe we could create more spaces by sliding parking spaces above pool down to the unmarked spaces and allowing 2 more handicapped designations. Also, I think we could consider a Loading Zone up front for just that — a
    15 minute loading zone. Anyway??? Railings on my unit look fantistic and from the water the new railing creates a much more attractive water view of buildings. A reminder needs to be sent out for Owners to pick up after their dogs. Kudos to James who accommodates calls to Direct TV by opening up the door for roof access. Do we have a maintenance and service program with the Elevator Co? Would more intervention or service help? This last broke elevator event was especially difficult on my guest. One has MS and another was recovering from a stroke. I don’t think the #200 elevator is repaired yet. Thank you for this attention. PS. I did find a good tile company to repair my floor if anyone would like to have a reference.

    Alabama Ornamental (railing company) started at 1:15 PM, on replacing our railings, at 2:30 PM they were thru. Cleaned up and done, gone, the whole crew worked very well together great team work, very pleasant, Betty & I recommend them.
    Nice replacement good work guys.

    Thanks Duff & BETTY

      1. Hello Don
        I just got back from Waterford and have issues. 1st the elevator in building in 200 is not working.
        2nd. the pool is green. I was there a few days ago and it looks worse today. I have never seen it look this way in the past when Ken took care of it?
        3rd. The stairwells are a total mess, spiders, cob webs, bees nest, dirt dobber nest est.
        I also would like to know why the walkways have not been painted with no slip paint? I thought this was one of the main things to be fixed in 2021 with all the money that has been paid.
        This is what I have seen in 2021, some landscaping late in the season, guard/handrails installed, guard rail in the common area. That’s all?

    1. Hello Duff and Betty. Well I posted a few complaints last week about dirty stair wells, green/yellow pool, and the elevator not working in bld 200. I guess they don’t want other people to see my post for is is still not up. This is a week later and the elevator in bld 200 is still not working. I guess I need to tell my tenants on the 4th floor to go find a hotel with an elevator that works for our management team cannot seem to get it done?

      1. Sorry Mark this took so long to approve and post. My family was devastated by Hurricane Ida and no longer have a home. The elevator was looked at immediately but we have a bad part that needs to be replaced. Sorry for your inconvenience. There is no conspiracy to keep your comments from hitting the site, I just have been overwhelmed with issues on the coast. My apologies

  3. Things are looking great here at Waterford. Appreciate all the hard work by the HOA board and Bright management.

    In reading the April meeting minutes, I noticed the item regarding replacement cushions. Just thought I’d mention that there are actually 12 cushions which would be needed (3 Better Homes and Gardens brand tables* with four chairs needing seat cushions each).

    As all know, cushions are items which need to be replaced regularly over time. The time can be stretched with both the use of a storage box as mentioned in the minutes, but also by purchasing quality cushions** – ones with both water-resistant or -repellent fabric on the outside, but also either quick drying foam or water-repellent wrapped foam on the inside. All that is to say, more funds may need to be allocated for cushions to get the type of really good quality 3″ to 4″ thick cushions we’d want for Waterford. (This is all true for the umbrellas, too – regular replacement with really good quality materials.)

    Glad the HOA board is looking into addressing this item. Thanks.

    The * & ** asides:
    *The Better Homes and Gardens (BH&G) tables and chairs, while looking a little faded and worn, are actually of very good quality. They are actually better quality than the newer poolside furniture. The HOA board may want to look into recommending as part of the 2022 budget having the BH&G tables and chairs refurbished or refreshed between the 2021 season and the 2022 season or, if recommending replacement, ensuring that the replacement furniture is of equal or better quality than the BH&G tables and chairs.

    **Which, as the one who purchased them, I can say the current cushions were not great quality; i.e. one, maybe two years, worth of use. These were inexpensive cushions which were only meant to last until the funds for the purchase of quality cushions could be included in the budget. The current cushions should have been replaced, at least, in 2019. Just never made it into the budget or onto the HOA board agenda until now. Really glad it finally has!

  4. HELLO, This what the web site is put up for, positive an negative thoughts from “ALL” owners to share thoughts. Some owners never sign in no matter what??? I have nothing to complain about any board member in fact I have been on the board five years past, did not sign up for 2021, owned here at Waterford Condo since 2007.
    I agree We two like Don and can talk with him many times and Don an I agree as well as disagree and move on, I read the web site about twice a week to see only maybe two or three owners do about the same, out of 48 owners.
    Concern Owner.

  5. Alex and I , think that Bright Management and the board are doing a great job. The landscape looks much better, the stairwells are cleaner , and they are working toward replacement of the rails. We chose to enjoy the improvements and our time with our neighbors and friends at the lake , instead of sitting around and trying to come up with things to gripe about! Thanks Don and the Board for the work you are all putting in to make The facilities better.

  6. It has been some time since I was on this reply page, I see why Im back. THe president Don, has a disagreement with a owner, I too have a disagreement with the president. The place (Waterford Condo) has not change except we pay more money for nothing better then we have had.
    The railing have cob webs galore, dirt and dust on the railing and stairs, I will agree that the pine straw that was done a short time ago look good, but there is not that much difference. The ground floor on owners patio round step stone has not been trimmed off from the first of the year 2021.
    I ask the the crew chief and he told me no one told them to do the trimming. I agree with Mark on some of the same comments, it is now June 2, 2021, over six months has pasted including paid into the H O A $202,000.00 thru assessments, and dues and nothing shows for the large amount of monies.

    Concern owner.

    1. Thanks for your support guys! Nothing? So the railings that will be finished by the end of the month, is nothing? This was a major issue and liability, we almost lost our insurance because of this issue. I will put together a list of all the things that have been done to date. This is why no one wants to be on the board.

  7. When are our railings going to be installed? We have large holes in our Dryvit with water getting in behind it each time it rains. Do you know what happens when water gets behind Dryvit, dry rot. This is what is happening to our homes. I was told from start to finish 45 days? It has been almost twice that since the holes were cut for measurements. We need answers now and railings in place yesterday. Also, there is suppose to be a by-law stating pets are to be kept on a lease. Several of our home owners are not abiding by this rule and there is going to be a dog killed or someone hurt. This needs to be addressed and rules need to be followed. What is happing to all the money Bright is getting? I see no difference in the appearance or in repairs being done or completed as we were told would be. We are almost half way through 2001!

    1. Mark – with all due respect, the property has never looked better, not sure what you are looking at. I was there this past weekend, the difference is stark from this time last year. No more, dead planes and bushes, no more weeds and the straw seemed well maintained. I do agree about the leash issue and the railing project, but these holes are not going to cause rot unless unattended for long periods of time. The railings are going in next week starting on the 8th. There was a delay in the powder coat process. So we are 2 weeks off of the original schedule. We are hoping to make up some of this time with timely access to all condos. We should be good there. For the record, the trash situation is out of hand and we are addressing this as we speak. Too many people around our property using our dumpsters. We will start surveilling and sending fines to those who do this. Spread the word!

  8. 4-1-2021== I have always heard/thought that management was a 24/7, 168 hours per week, not 2 or 3 days per week 3 or 4 hours per day. In the past 3 or 4 weeks Waterford Condos has had strong damaging
    winds and tornados close by.
    We have had dock walk ways damage, limbs blown all around, grill blown over, (not sure weather it is a gas grill ) chairs blown over.
    With Bright our Management Company you would think that at least the next day they would have a person or crew out at our property checking for damage or what they could fix it any thing.
    Maybe in time? things will get better.

    Just a concern owner, Duff Cady

    1. Duff, Our management company has been on the property everyday this week including Sunday adjusting cables on docks. Dock one was messed up in a wind storm on Saturday night and repaired on Monday. All soffit that was blown off buildings has been repaired. Property management is not responsible for chairs that have been blown over etc. That is not in their contract, but they will clean up debris or do what they can to keep the property in good repair to prevent any further damage, but they are not “storm cleanup” In the future, if you see these things like this, let me know and I will contact Bright to make the request or have someone else address it. I am not in Alabama much these days, but if so, I will do it myself. Thanks for continuing to be a positive influence for the community, your efforts do not go unnoticed!

  9. 3-30-2021== For the owners that did not get a chance to see the mess that the last two strong storms left behind to Waterford Condo, on the lake side at the shore line an banks what a mess, plus for dock (1 & 2) the ramp have broken at the dock edge, walk way happen to be under water.
    This day Tuesday most of the mess (trees, trees branches, rail road ties, floats, bumpers, etc, etc has been cleaned up by one of Waterford Condo owners, he did a great job.

  10. 3-19-2021== what is that comment noise? It is in the air about owners complaints about entering condo with out supervision, the workers have all the keys to all the units. Also there is some owners who have not paid all the first quarter assessment ?
    Is there a problem and were not even completed three months yet. Waterford Condos has a landscape company (BRIGHT) who is in charge of hand rails??? Just a concerned owner.

    1. Duff thanks for your comment – I hope you are well. There are no “problems” with this project. There are some condos, we have found that the past HOA members did not garner access to and we are trying to do so. This will help us in the event the HOA ever needs to enter into a condo. We are trying to be as accommodating as possible without pushing the project behind, but for now everything is on schedule. Incidentally as part of the rules for the condominium, homeowners must allow us access. This provision is in the rules for everyone’s safety in the event that we have an issue with a pipe leak, heavens forbid fire or like now the need to do work on the balcony. Of course you knew this already because you were on the board for many years and did really great work as well, thank you for your service. Bright is managing this project and they have done a really good job so far, we just need everyone’s support. Yes, we do have some owners that have not paid Q1 dues, but it is very few, and we recognize that Q1 was an especially difficult quarter to budget for everyone. We will be as patient as we can, but at some point we will be more aggressive with collections, but I don’t believe it will come to that.

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