
We want your suggestions! Please sign up to have the ability to make suggestions and post in the various areas of this site that allow feedback

102 thoughts on “Suggestions”

  1. Sorry the board moved on me before I could finish, he did cost Waterford but no one works for free
    this man also weekly blew off the walkway and breezeways front and lake side, he also cleaned the pool area, he dump the trash cans, pet stations, replace all light light bulbs except the tall light poles. including all the docks.
    Check the cables on the docks daily & adjust.
    For over three years if I had over $40,000.00 your darn right this place would look top notch, but can complain about “what if”
    Well I guess we (most) owners should be happy to spend over $300,000,00 to fix up a beautiful complex such as Waterford Condos, but to spend over $160,000.00 to replace all the railing when almost all the railing need to be painted, thanks???

  2. It seems that the person who controls this web page is wrong again, such as “let me be accurate”?
    First he is wrong, the past landscape company for the past two years every week (unless it rains) on Thursday they work for 3 to 5 hours cutting grass, trimming bushes, cutting down or moving plants, trees, blowing upper an lower full parking lots, blowing off all the lower patios on ground floor, spread pine straw, mulch all the property every year, plus any extra work ask of D. C, Lawn.
    Home owners pay extra to have the two dumpster dumped every week from the lower lot, Bright lawn scaping does not have equipment to dump trash dumpster.
    We had for about three or four years a owner did all the banks on the South side and East side of our property, who was paid for the fertilization he had done not for labor. Bright Landscaping calls it “7 round fertigation & weeding programing” ,
    Pressure washing stairways, walkways, docks, breezeways has been done yearly since 2007, yes it did cost the home owners $2,500. to $3,000, last year, it has to be done yearly (unless you want a green building)?
    AS they say add this cost to the delta it does not sound to high??? We also had a maintenance man that worksd three days a week in the summer and one day per week in the winter

  3. Just so that accurate information is being shared – Our previous Lawn Care provider cut the grass and then left. That was pretty much it. To be fair they did a much better job pre-Covid year and as we all know, just about every vendor got worse during Covid due to labor shortages. Bright Management’s cost of $28,792.00 Also included items that we were paying extra for.

    Trash and Debris Removal
    7 round program for Turf fertilization and weeding
    Pressure washing stairwells, breezeways and docks.

    If you add this cost the delta is not quite as high. We did propose and the homeowners passed an additional $10,000.00 in the budget to bring our landscaping back to an acceptable level. We had multiple complaints about the condition of the shrubs etc. This amount is for the entire property, not just the pool. I am excited about the improvements that will be made to the property this year! Thanks to everyone for investing in this as I know it will protect the value of our asset.

  4. Landscaping, Waterford Condos has used a company to do the landscaping for our property since 2006, normal cost from $12,000.00 to $15,000 per year, with Waterford new management company it will cost the owners over $29,000. plus per year? The new landscaping committee is a cost of $10,000.00, a total $39,000.00 plus over the $15,000.00 for 2020. Complaints from year 2020 was about the pool area of dead plants and palm trees.
    The new committee chair 2021, was the pool chair person when the pool was redone at a cost of over $75,000.00, the pool plants and palm trees as any owner can see have not done well, will the committee spend $10,000.00 on the pool area again?

  5. 12-17-2020= Waterford Condo has been here since 2006, while we are spending big bucks $$$$$$ why not look into a sign at the main drive way which should add some class. 3X5 sign should be a nice size, after 14 years we deserve it.
    I have heard from a couple owners why is there no ramp to get into the pool area other then steps to get in or out?

  6. 12-13-2920= Hello Condo owners, a week or so ago I posted some thing on the web page about the reserves of $166.000.00 left over from 2020, it was removed because some how it printed twice, had no idea it did twice, the the web page director took it down, so it could not be read by any owner. we communicated about it , but was also told by the director he would replace what I printed but STILL has not been reprinted or reposted by the director? humm!
    If we have a reserve of $ $160,000.00, and a over run of $22,000.00 why not take it out of the reserve instead of assessing the owners TWICE. If the rules happen to be print only by the web site rules instead of facts, the web site is is maybe half good for “ALL” owners?

  7. 12-7-2020= As all owners can see and read if you print some thing that who ever runs the web page does not like they take it down. Want all owners to be up front that is the way it was before but now you can only print it you do not say any thing against (who)?

  8. Just a quick note to say the grill area railing looks great! Was a little worried how a railing might be done since things can always be done well or not. These were definitely done well and open up the view beautifully.

    Nice to have the junipers gone. While they did a good job of keeping folk from stepping off the grill patio, they also did a great job of hampering the view.

    The railing is a wonderful enhancement to the property. Way to go!!

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