
We want your suggestions! Please sign up to have the ability to make suggestions and post in the various areas of this site that allow feedback

102 thoughts on “Suggestions”

  1. Hello.
    This is Marti Murib, 200 #305. I am 100% in favor of improving our property. I am concerned about the large amount of the assessment and the schedule of payments: January, 2021 being the first of the year following holidays and most importantly effects on Covid on individual budgets, and April, 2021 in relationship to Income Tax filings and payments. I do also agree that a Management Co will be a more effective and direct pathway to handle projects, etc. However, when I researched the recommended company for our services, I could only see their expertise in the Landscape and horticulture areas. I was under the impression that the company had experience with many other areas of expertise as that would directly relate to the major projects we are looking at : as well as the knowledge of area contractors, their availability, and their quality of work. Let me be clear, I support the maintenance and beautification of our landscape; however, I believe that our priorities begin with the safety of our buildings. I do hope we are not going to be the learning curve with our agreement to hire this company. As related to the assessment and schedule of payment, I would be more able to make the payments in the 1st and 3rd quarters. Lastly, I wanted to express my concern about the possibility of losing Ken Carpenter as caretaker/and/or/ maintenance employee for our complex. Over the years, I have come to trust and rely on Ken as his task revolved around maintenance and repairs. I understand that the maintenance of the pool, the boat houses, change of lighting, etc. were acceptable. I have trusted Ken to accompany Target when spraying for those critters in my personal space. Besides projects, what I heard at the meeting was the major concerns of the maintenance revolved around the landscape and improvements of the grounds. The consistency and availability that I observed with Ken’s services are expected with the new maintenance company. I trust the board to insist that the Management Company equal or supersede those service I saw us receive from Ken. Also, I support the suggestion that communication be streamlined and transparent. Congratulations to the new board members and thank you to former board members. I know the job is endless, and you get a lot of squawks and not so many nods. You all are valued and I appreciate your efforts. A comment and redirection would be appreciated.

  2. Oh, could we also add a PSA (Public Service Announcement) for the SLEPC (Smith Lake Environmental Preservation Committee) “State of the Lake” program happening next Saturday, November 14, 2020.

    Alabama Water Watch (AWW) keeps tabs on the cleanliness of Alabama’s lakes. Last year Smith Lake had dropped to number 6. Hoping the lake is cleaner this year.

    2020 State of the Lake and
    Annual Membership Meeting
    We hope you will join us online for the
    Smith Lake “State of the Lake” Address
    & SLEPC Annual Membership Meeting
    Saturday, November 14 @ 9:00 AM CST on ZOOM

    Register in advance for this online meeting:

    Please register and join us online for a ZOOM meeting featuring Alabama Water Watch and the Smith Lake – State of the Lake report covering all three counties (Cullman, Walker, and Winston) within the Smith Lake watershed, and the organizations that work to protect them: SLEPC, SLCA, and WCSLA.

    Following the Alabama Water Watch State of the Lake address, SLEPC will continue with the Annual Membership Meeting where we will vote for the 2021 SLEPC Board Members.

    Please forward this email to your Smith Lake friends and neighbors! We look forward to seeing you all online!!

    Visit us at or

  3. Thanks for posting the proposed agenda for tomorrow’s condo owners annual meeting. Since they’ve been a topic since the last Condo owners annual meeting, please add the stone steps for lake access to the agenda, so it can be reported how that topic stands.

    I’d also appreciate adding an item regarding a landscape master plan. As a matter of course, landscapes mature and age out. Waterford’s is doing just that. We have lost many shrubs and trees recently and are losing more. Waterford has the opportunity to be both proactive, more ecosystem-friendly, and to enhance the beauty of its landscape by getting a master plan in place to better accommodate the maturing of the landscape over the next few years. It’s like having a Reserve Study for Waterford’s grounds.

  4. Owners haven’t received an Owners list since November 2018. Several new Owners have moved in since then. Wondering if Owners could get a current list of Owners sometime soon, please?


    PS No Board meeting minutes have been posted since May 23rd’s meeting. Could more recent minutes be posted, please? Again, thanks, Theresa

    1. Theresa,

      I will post the minutes as soon as I get full transcripts from the secretary. Also I have a new list and have been struggling with the format. Once I get that done, I will post on the site. Hope you had a good weekend at the lake, I was going to come help you by the water today, your dog is as strong as mine when she gest here mind set on something.

      1. Yes, my dogs LOVE to get down to the water at the boat ramp and play fetch in the lake. Just wish our littlest pup didn’t make a noise like I’m killing it when he gets so excited!

        I’m sure owners wouldn’t mind getting an Excel doc via email with all the owners listed, if that makes it easier than trying to put it on the website. Might make it easier to manipulate as needed, too.


  5. Elevator Repair, Bldg 200
    Estimated date Elevator will be repaired?
    Attempting to get new Refrig installed, plus no elevator over holiday weekend will be difficult for some of us.
    Thanks for a response.

  6. In reading through the Board meeting minutes, I noticed mention of replacing the palms around the pool. Rick and I mentioned at the annual meeting that we were going to work on getting a replacement palm for the one lost under the fallen tree. We were in the process of that so the palm could be planted in March when the Covid crisis shut things down. After March/early April it was too late to plant, so our efforts have gone towards trying to save the other palm which is doing poorly. Since those efforts haven’t yielded a great result, I suggest two things: 1. that the palms not be replaced until late winter/early spring and 2. that before doing so, an evaluation be made as to what might be done to improve the success of palms in those two spots or whether installation of another type of plant might be the better option.

    1. We did take care of this Covid has impacted so many things this year and our property has not been spared either. Our contractors that keep up the lawn maintenance and parts for elevators etc. have all been difficult to wrangle this year. We are getting things done but most definitely at a snails pace. Thanks for staying engaged and helping. I see you guys weeding out there and while we shouldn’t have to do that, it does not go unnoticed. Thanks Theresa

  7. Donald, thanks so much for the recent updates, especially those concerning the topics for the Fall Annual Owners’ Meeting. There are a couple of questions about them that I’m hoping can be addressed.

    On the topic of resurfacing/painting, what color/colors are being considered?

    While it is not the only reason for needing to paint/resurface, aesthetics is a very important one. It’s the public face of Waterford which affects the value of all our condos. The colors are currently worn and faded. New paint or resurfacing using the same color scheme – especially the very faded lower color – is not the best choice.

    While the resurfacing done two years ago matched the current colors, that choice was driven by the fact that we were only doing three sides and didn’t include the entirety of both buildings. The decision was made to defer the painting issue (which as you know is a very significant expense) until after the water issues were addressed.

    Now that the painting/resurfacing issue is on the table, the topic of color/colors is a key question. A good color choice can greatly enhance our property.

    The other question concerns the steps to the lake which is a great idea. How they are done to make them an attractive addition is important. Accordingly, would you please share the drawings or design plans for owners to review?


  8. TO owners and those who rent your unit out, Waterford now has new grills, they replaced the old “rusted” out grills. If you would when your product that your grilling is completed please replace the lid so if it does start raining the inner grills will not rust.
    The grill will be to hot to replace the cover, wait till the charcoal burns out/down before replacing the cover. Thank you.

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