
We want your suggestions! Please sign up to have the ability to make suggestions and post in the various areas of this site that allow feedback

102 thoughts on “Suggestions”

  1. WE were just wondering about how often does the pool get a good cleaning, is it once a week, twice a week,? who is responsible for the up keep of the pool area? Now that we are just a few years old (19), is there any thought given to maybe a nice “WATERFORD CONDO” Est. 2006, sign will add a little more class to this property.
    Concern Owner’s.

  2. FYI We could pay 6000.00 X 48 per unit for 2024, now equals 288000.00 .We Could put $200000.00
    or Less,Traditions Bank is offering CD,s @ 6% in Dodge City that would Generate $6000.00 for 6 Months. This would make our Dues 0.0 for 2024 with NO ASSesstment an make our Condo’s
    Treasury report Look Awesome an we Generate INCOME !!! for US !!!FYI

    There are alot of ways to Generate Money an Increase Value of Waterford Condo’s
    Stan Gillard BLD 204/ unit 203/ 205-540-4444 We live here & days week

    1. Stan,

      Thanks so much for the ideas and the passion you have for the property. I really enjoyed the back and forth with the homeowners last night. I do have a few questions about your idea, as I am struggling with your math.
      Are you suggesting all homeowners pay $6000.00 which = $288,000.00 (this being over and above our normal dues) Then put that 200K in a six month CD earning $6000.00 per six months or $12,000.00 annual?

      See below the quick math that I put together to summarize

      Normal expenses budgeted for 2024 = $276,000
      Normal Income would roughly be the same as we operate to a zero budget except for the 25K we put in reserves

      We add 6K per homeowner and put it in a CD – If we do this over and above normal dues then we could literally put all of it and add from some of our current reserves
      So lets estimate $300,000 K at 6% = $18,000.00

      This does allow us to put an extra 318K in reserves we could operate on cash flow from the normal dues. This would generate 18K in revenue, which again is fantastic, but your statement of not paying dues for 2024 would put us in the same boat because we still need to run the property.

      And the outcome of doing this would be homeowners pay 6K plus their normal dues 6K total of 12K

      Normal dues = 288
      Expenses = 288 (roughly with 25K going to reserves)

      The extra 6K you are suggesting = 288K
      If we had it on January one the outcome of this would be as follows

      End of 2024 Reserves from normal operations = $204,500.00
      Your 6K suggestion plus income = $306,080.00

      Total of $510,580.00 in reserve, which really is where we need to be, but if we didnt have HOA dues say in 2005 then at the end we would roughly (if expenses didnt go up) have at the end $222,580.00

      So I am not sure how this gets us to a place where “This would make our Dues 0.0 for 2024 with NO ASSesstment an make our Condo’s Treasury report Look Awesome an we Generate INCOME !!! for US !!!FYI”

      Please let me know if my math is off

  3. Dear Owners
    i would like to see a copy of this years Budget please.i am wondering can we take the Dues back down to
    1000.00 per quarter ,48000.00 x 4 -192000.00 plus our additional rent on boat an jet ski slips 9 x 1200.00-10800.00 -budget of 202800.00 is this possible . Do we really need almost 270000.00 to maintain this Property ,i know this year was an expensive year for everyone ,we spent close to 750K including th Hvac units FYI ,still trying to find out when the meeting is ,Please each owner come to the meeting ,DONT GIVE YOUR VOTE AWAY !!!

  4. Pardon me I just 1/48 owner, does any body paying attention, weekend when most owner happen to be at their Condo they? decide to paint the stairs all of them. You have use the elevator which is good, then the next week thru the week Monday thru Friday they paint all the walk ways and tell the owners you can not walk on the walk ways for 24 hours.
    If you do not work you can not come out for 24 hours, if you go to work you can not come home? for 24 hours, find some where else to sleep even if it is a motel because you can not walk on the painted walk way, can not even get your mail for 24 hours?
    IDEAS?, I wonder who, oh never mind try not to get paint on your shoe soles and track inside on your rug or tile floors, plus watch when you walk your dog?


  5. One of the (9) trailers is our boat trailer, that we left Monday September 27th , temporarily! Sorry if it has caused any inconvenience to other owners. Alex is picking it up this morning , Wednesday , September 29th, in case someone needs to park there.

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