Board Meeting September 21st 2019

Waterford at Smith Lake
Minutes for September 21, 2019
Meeting called to order at 10:07 p.m. by President Larry Wilson.

Members present;

Larry Wilson, President
Travis Tidwell, Secretary
Duff Cady
James Eidson
Don Monistere Treasurer

Members  Absent:

 Duff discusses changes to Ken Carpenter's service contract. Suggested changes: 

 remove: upper and lower parking lot cleaning, 
 D C Lawn will give a price for this service once a month. James suggest we only blow off parking lot when needed.
 Add: service dog waste stations weekly.
 Board agreed to add service. 
 Add: clean grill side tables weekly
 Clean grills on Friday

 James makes motion to repair deck by Ken Carpenter $1250.00, Larry 2nd, board all in favor Board all in favor

 Larry suggest we add a communication position for the board. 

 Larry has talked to BMS about finishing the work on docks and he will be to finish after his 

 D C Lawn has a new bid for lawn service at $14,790. Board asked for and itemized estimate for approval

 Duff makes the motion to allow D C Lawn to remove stump at dock number 2 $165.oo, Don 2nd the motion, board all in favor.

 Duff will get bid from another pressure washing vendor for 2020.

Next meeting October 5, 2019 at 10:58 a.m.

Meeeting adjourned at 11:11 a.m. by Larry Wilson.

Board Meeting July 14th, 2019

Waterford at Smith Lake- Minutes for July 14, 2019

Meeting called to order at 10:06 a.m. by President Larry Wilson.
Members Present: Larry Wilson, Travis Tidewell, Duff Cady, James Edison Members Absent: Don Monistere


Mellisa Curtis has sold her Unit and we need to nominate a replacemnet on the board. Larry has nominated James Eidson, 2nd by Duff, board was in favor

Larrry discusses removing tree on the corner of building 200. $2500 is the bid to remove the tree by C & H Tree sevice. Larry made the motion to have tree removed, 2nd by James, board on favor.

BMS fixed anchors on dock #2. BMS still has work to be done and Duff will try to contact them to find out when they will finish,

Oustide dumping is becoming a real problem and the board is discussing how to handle either with game cameras or video cameras. The board willexplore options to stop outside dumping.

Larry recommends that the fans on the patios between buildings 200 and 204 be replaced with lights. Larry will look at finding a light and will present to the board for approval.

James will contact Neuren Const. to repair roof edge and asphalt drive to lower lot.

Duff discusses painting floors, stairs and door frames. Duff makes motion to move board meetings to 3rd Saturday of each month, 2nd by Larry

Larry wants to get an update on financials to see where we stand so we can start working on 2020 budget.

Next meeting August 17, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. Meeeting adjourned at 11:52 a.m. by Larry Wilson.

Board Meeting March 23, 2019

Waterford at Smith Lake

Minutes for March 23, 2019

Meeting called to order at 2;12 p.m. by President Larry Wilson.

Members present;

Larry Wilson, President
Travis Tidwell, Secretary
Duff Cady
Melissa Curtis

Members  Absent:

Don Monistere


Travis talked about concrete estimates for parking lots. Have not acquired additional estimates for work. 

Dock #2 has at least 2 broken anchors. 

Melissa will call contacts she has for gutters and concrete work for parking lot.

Duff will contact Cassidy for pressure washing the buildings and docks..

Duff suggests we meet every third weekend of each month at 2:00 p.m.

Duff has prices for pool furniture. Melissa makes motion to purchase chairs and umbrellas from Ace Hardware , 2nd by Larry, board in favor.

Duff discusses painting doors and common area floor on front of building, railings on the stairs between the buildings. Larry makes the suggestion to 
postpone the vote until the next meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 3:18 p.m. by Larry Wilson.

Next meeting set for April 14, 2019 at 2:00 p.m.

Meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m.

February 23, 2019 Board Meeting Minutes

Waterford at Smith Lake Minutes for February 23, 2019 Meeting called to order at 10:03 by President Larry Wilson. 

Members present: Larry Wilson Don Monistere Travis Tidwell Duff Cady Members

Absent: Melissa Curtis

Business: Larry made motion to move forward with Alabama Ornamental to fix railings in unit 203 building 200. Duff 2nd, majority in favor.

Larry made motion to launch website for Waterford Condos. Travis 2nd, majority in favor. Website address: Deployment will be sometime in March 2019.

Wireless phones in the elevators are in service. Electrical repairs on dock #1 are done. Waiting for repairs on dock #3. Travis will verify repairs and the delayed repairs for dock #3.

Duff suggest we need to replace some of the pool furniture. New trash can for pool area. Duff suggest we ask Ken Carpenter to get pricing for pool furnishing for board approval.

Swim pier discussion: Larry will talk to Flotation Systems about designing and cost.

Discussion about condo rules. Don will create electronic copy of rules.

ATT is almost done with construction on Waterford property for new and improved internet services. Next meeting: March 23 at 10:00 a.m.

Meeting adjourned at 11:51 a.m. by President Larry Wilson.

January 26, 2019 Board Meeting

Meeting called to order at 10:05 by President Larry Wilson.

Members present:

                Larry Wilson

                Don Monistere

                Travis Tidwell

                Melissa Curtis

Members absent:

                Duff Cady


Miles Haga has come to talk about fire system. Horn strobes in individual units are causing faults and will have to be replaced for full service. The system that Johnson Controls has installed is up and working with the exception of the horn strobes in the units. Johnson Controls will install new horns in each unit for fire code compliance. Ken Carpenter will help with installation for cost effectiveness. Larry made motion to move forward, Don 2nd, majority in favor.

Ken will pressure wash grills for $60.00. Will clean or wipe down prep surface and grills for $60.00 a month. March through September.

Water intrusion is causing a problem in Building 200. Unit 400 is having water intrusion and unit 402. The board will look into the situation and will try to come up with a solution. Travis will check with contractors to work on roof edge. Larry made motion to move forward

Dock #1 has a connection ppoint break at the gangway. Dock #3 has a break in the wiring. Larry made the motion to have fixed,

$157.08 to be approved for doggie bags. Travis made motion to approve, Melissa 2nd, majority in favor.

Richard Rohn has written a check for rental of boat slip for $1200.00.

Don Monistere is developing a website for Waterford that the board will use to communicate with the association. The board have a look when finished and will decide if it will be a viable vehicle for communication.

Parking lot discussion. Travis will be checking with contractors to get a price on replacing asphalt with concrete.

Since the suggested changes of the HOA rules were never made available to owners it was clarified that the current rules in place for the property are the original rules of the property and will be reviewed in February

Next meeting: February 23 at 10:00 a.m.

Meeting adjourned at 12:05 p.m. by President Larry Wilson.

November 11, 2018 Annual Board Meeting

Minutes Go here

Waterford At Smith Lake Minutes For Annual Home Owners Meeting November 11, 2018 

Members Present: Voting Members: President: Larry Wilson, Vice President: Shannon Pate, Secretary: Travis Tidwell, Treasurer: Rick Johanson, and Duff Cady

Roll Call: 39 Units were represented by 19 homeowners present and 14 homeowners represented by proxy.

Business: President, Larry Wilson calls the meeting to order, recognizing present homeowners Cary Kennedy and Brian Richerzhagen, for work they have done in previous years for the benefit of Waterford. Larry Wilson gives a brief wxplanation of all the elements at Waterford that were repaired, fixed, or improved in 2018.

-Water damaged the elevator floor in building 200 was replaced by Waterford homeowners. - The elevator venilation fan in building 200 was replaced by Waterford homeowners.
-Waterford's boat ramp had developed a sizable hole at the bottom of the ramp and was repaired by Waterford homeowners.
-New boat ramp lock has been installed to hopefully stop illegal boat launching at Waterford. Also, if you do not have your new key for the boat ramp, please see Larry Wilson to get yours.
-Sump pumps in elevator shafts have been replaced due to failed existing pumps. Back flow valves have also been installed to prevent water that has been removed from flowing back into the elevator pit.
-Stairwell lights in building 200 had a wiring problem that had to be addressed. New wiring had to be installed to restore service.
-Landing on gangway on dock #3 had some loose decking material that was secured by Waterford owners.
-Water intrusion problems on the East and West ends of building 200 and the East end on building 204 appear to be resolved.
-Shannon Pate explained the process of applying the new coating, new profiles and flashing around openings.
-Rick Johanson discussed the leftover funds from the water intrusion assessment. The HOA decided to use the leftover funds for painting. Discussion was had to use the money to paint some common areas but was not voted on at this point. Which painting project to do will be decided at a later date.
-Railings in some areas have become a saftey concern and Board Members voted to repair the railings as necessary. Railing beside the buildin 200 and Unit 200/203 have benn repaired. The railing by the elevator are satisfactory but the railing at Unit200/203 will need futher attention.
-This past year the Board has received a few complaints about losing TV service. In the past TV contractors have been allowed accesss to the TV distribution room and somehow disconnected some owners while trying to restore service for others. The Board decided to replace the locks on these rooms in an effort to eliminate this problem. If your TV service is interrupted please Larry Wilson, Travis Tidwell, or Ken Carpenter to allow an authorized Direct TV or Dish Network employee in for service.
-As our buildings age we are starting to have some components begin to fail. The irrigation system is one of these components that will need some updating in 2019. Three water zones have failed this past season and will need to be fixed before the next growing season. -Gutter issues at the machanical roof area was repaired in an attempt to resolve a water leak in the unit below.
-Parking lot asphalt will be needing some repair work and bids are being gathered further discussion to repair or replace.
-Dock #1 had a bad circuit which caused the entire dock to lose power. Waterford owner replaced the circuit and restored power.
-Larry Wilson brought up our situatuin with boat slips 21 and 31 and handed further explanation to Rick Johanson. Rick explained how the devloper, Marty Roberson, of Waterford Condominiums claims that he stillhas a right to boat slips 21 and 31, because they are in his opinion, attached to two lots in Castle Rock Subdivision. Mr. Roberson's lawyer has sent a letter to Waterford stating such claims. Waterford has responded with a letter from our lawyer stating that Mr. Roberson has no right to the boat slips. We are waiting to hear from Mr. Roberson. Larry Wilson brought up owners trading parking spots and boat slips. If owners want to trade parking spots or boat slips, it needs to be recorded or the Board will not recognize the change. Rich Johanson added that even if the action is recorded it may not stand unless it is recorded to the amendment showing which parking space and/or boat slip is attached to which unit.
-A french drain was added to the east side of building 200 in an effort to help eliminate water intrusion. Landscaping on that side of the building was left incomplete and will be finished during the winter months. (weather permitting) Some home owners have been notified that units are now in the flood plain. Duff Cady explained how he resolved his issue. If you have been contacted about this issue and need help, Duff has information that he can share to help with resolving the issue.
-Duff wanted to remind owners that they need to empty their mailboxes and remove the old mail.
-A replacement for our failing patio fans has been found. Shannon Pate has found a vendor that can supply the fans for $183.00. Please contact Larry Wilson if you need a replacement or information.
-The board has secured a contract with Johnson Controls to fix, install and monitor our fire alarm system. Work is anticipated to start at the end of November 2018. Emergency phone lines in the elevators will change from land lines to a cellular system in an attempt to have a more reliable system. Fourth floor owners, please remember to leave your heat on during the winter months, so that the water lines above don't freeze and burst causing damage to your unit or units below.
-An email will be sent out when temperatures fall below freezing, as a reminder to turn on the heat. If you are not present please contact a board member to handle this for you. Rich Johanson made the motion to suspend the rules so the HOA could discuss renting units. It was second by Cary Kennedy.
-Concerns have been raised about short term rentals and should the HOA place parameters or guidelines for renting units. Cary Kennedy made the motion for the board to discuss putting rules in for renting units and to request input from the owners in making the decision. Second by Travis Tidwell. Majority in favor.

-2019 HOA Board election: Rick Johanson made the motion to elect the board that was on the ballot, second by Cary Kennedy and majority in favor. 2019 Board Members: President: Larry Wilson Treasurer: Don Monistere Secretary: Travis Tidwell Duff Cady Melissa Curtis Duff Cady discusses painting exterior doorframes, first and second floor walkways and stairwells to revive the apperance of the building.
-Joanna Dinsmore suggests that the board create a spec sheet so that future painting bids would be easier to compare.
-Rick Johanson discusses 2018 financials and explains that Waterford stayed close to budget for the year. After discussion, Rick makes a motion to adopt the 2019 budget. John Robinson second. Majority in favor.
-Rick Johanson makes the motion to bring 2018 budget to balance with a $70.00 asseessment, second by Duff Cady, Marjority in favor.
-Thersea Johanson makes the suggestion that Waterford should develope a master plan for landscapes and hardscapes. Suggests that maybe a committee be formed to help the Board with making decisions on these elements.
-Julius Bloomston asks the Waterford community to be more conscious of picking up after thier pets. Meeting Adjourned at 5:17 p.m. by President: Larry Wilson