May Board Meeting 2022

Open the Meeting

Update From Caleb

Pool will be resurfaced on Tuesday 
Cracks in the stairs and underneath the lights - Needed to see if they were in the shell of the pool - Two areas where the shell was cracked 
Ladders have never been removed.  We need to cut them out - We will incurr the cost of a new ladder - For both ladders 
Grout Line needs to be fixed - All the tile he saved 
Not regrouting between the tiles.  He would regrout there. 
Light runs off of 120 volts - 12 volt LED bulb.  The converter to 120 to 12 volts - 

Still have some broken post on Pier 1 - We need to look at that - Need to 

Light replaced from people moving 400 and 401 was moving 

Where are we on the rules review - James and Jim went through all of the rules trying to update them and trying to address the things that need to be deleted 
and added. - Sent the redline version and then included a clean version 

    2 items added that were new - short term rentals language to get more control over this and it makes sense to add fees for violations 

    We had some rules that we could not eforce, so we need to make sure that we can enforce across the board.   

Rentals - we should put a minimum of 7 days. 
Everything is long term - Mr. Cady in 401 is in the rental pool and adheres to 7 day minimum - Any units purchased would be 

Lawsuit - Rick was on the call.  We had our motion to dismiss - would have allowed us to win. 

    Are we going to do any discovery in order to have a trial. Rick and Matt visited with the surveyor Danny Moore who eventually did the Platt - Jackie Davis worked for the surveying company that did the Platt. Danny says that they did a survey without the three lots.  Jackie later brought in the deed of the 3 lots. Jackie told Danny that the owners had decided to add the three lots as common area.  Danny doesnt have a deed nor did he talk to anyone else.  We called Jackie and she didnt remember much. The most interesting thing is that since these conversations happened at different times the field book  has a notation before the lots were discussed - separately they did add the 3 lotts to the plot - you would think that people would think it is to get he three lots added. 

What else is available?  What else can we find to build our case.  The Regions Mortgage did not include the three lots. We feel comfortable that we should win. The attourney is good at what he does- We continue to pursue this because we have a great case.We should have control of adverse possession. 

    Check when we laid rip rap - To put that rock there we would have had to permit that through Alabama power and it should be documented - 
    What point in time would that have been obtained.  2009 - 2013    

Landscaping and Recomendation by the Committee – final decision here is still outstanding

Action Items –

Caleb to get Camera Access 
Need to look at the rules

Names New Business

Two Owners are interested in renting a guest slip. 

April Board Meeting 2022

Waterford at Smith Lake

Minutes for April 21,2022

Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M. by President Don Monistere.

Members present:

Don Monistere, President
Travis Tidwell, Secretary
James Eidson    
Jim Turner
Richard Kinney
Caleb Bright (Bright Management)


Teresa and Rick Johanson

Members  Absent:


Motion to open meeting by Don, 2nd James Eidson

	Caleb Bright gives updates:

	Pool Repair

		Cracks at stairs and under light have been found while pool work is underway. Furhter investigation is needed to determine the extent of damage.

		Pool ladders are seized in place and will need to be removed and replaced. Will consider replacing with commercial ladders. Price
		for new ladders $1175.00 and core drilling $675.00. Core drilling will be required for new ladders.
		Pool resurface is scheduled for April 26, weather permitting. 

		Grout line above the tile and below coping will need to be removed and replaced. Removal cost at $625.00. Replacement cost at $2600.00 

		Pool light is not grounded. Consider replacing with low voltage LED. Estimated cost $2235.00

		Don makes motion to make changes to pool budget for these needed repairs, 2nd Kinney, board in favor.

	Dock Repairs 
		Dock one has a broken weld at the base of post.
		Dock two needs decking repair.
		Dock three needs new anchor and weld at the end of guest slip. Broken post on Dock One.

	Broken hallway light on fourth floor of building 200 has been replaced.

	Drainage issue at building 204, unit 100 has been resolved.

	Pressure washing is complete with exception of docks. Docks will be done the week of April 26, weather permitting.

	Annual generator check-up is complete.

	Lawsuit update. Matt Carter and Rick Johanson visited the surveyor that did our plat, Mr, Moore. Lawsuit is still being pursued                                                 

	Rules and regulations have been reviewed and edited by the board. Will present in June
	to the homeowners.

New Business:

	Teresa discusses landscape committee recommendations. Don requests pictures from Railroad Park for
	example. Board will reconsider Landscape Committee recommendations.

	Don makes motion to make a total of 5 guest slips available for homeowners to rent. Each year these slips will go into a lottery drawing
	for availability, Eidson 2nd, board in favor.

Next meeting May 16, 2022.

Meeeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M. by Don Monistere.

March Board Meeting 2022

Waterford at Smith Lake HOA Board Meeting

Waterford at Smith Lake HOA Board Meeting
March 15,2022

Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M. by President Don Monistere.

Members Present:
Don Monistere, President
Travis Tidwell, Secretary
James Eidson
Jim Turner
Richard Kinney
Caleb Bright (Bright Management)

Members Absent: N/A
Motion to open meeting by Don, 2nd by Travis.
Motion to approve the minutes from the last Board meeting, approved.
Caleb Updates:
Deposit has been sent for resurfacing of pool. Work scheduled to be completed by April 15th.
Lights in the stairwell had a problem in 204 during a rainstorm. Waiting for drier weather to see if moisture is the culprit.
Region’s accounts have all been closed and moved to People’s Bank.
• This will be shown in March financials.
Peeling powder coat on handrails for Bldg. 204 is being addressed. Caleb has contacted Alabama Ornamental to find a solution.
• Reviewed rules, damage waiver fee.
Breezeway paint is flaking and solutions are being discussed to find a course of action to take. Water that is standing is making the paint come up.
Most condos have move in and move out damage deposits. Elevators are being damaged with people moving in and out.
Pressure washing will start in the next two weeks for docks, breezeways and the pool area.
Thompson Gas will fill propane tanks for the generators in the next two weeks.
Caleb requested camera access. Don will give to Caleb access when he arrives at Waterford.
Building 204, unit 100- patio will flood during heavy rains. Board is discussing solutions to solve problem. Richard made motion to fix, Don 2nd, board in favor.
• Caleb will find a solution. Potentially get a bigger grate to allow more particles. Put rock around it to clean the water before it gets to the grate.
Don’s personal assistant can be contacted at: She can be contacted when Don is unable to respond.
Don will confirm voting results for landscape committee before board will approve recommendations. Also, board has voiced its concerns about the replacement plants and have asked Caleb to come up with some optional plants that will perform better.
Alabama power states that erosion control/rip rap, below 510′ cannot start until November 1, 2022, and must be completed before March 31, 2023. Work above 510′ can start anytime after permit is secured. Permits are good for one year until May 14th. If we add later, anything below 522. Will have preliminary numbers for June and cost.
Caleb will acquire estimates for the steps and erosion control for the next HOA annual meeting.
The Board will review the Waterford rules and regulations. The Board will discuss if any items need to be updated. Discuss Rules and path forward (great work Jim.)
• Review for unenforceable rules and regulations.
• Caleb, Jim and James to get together
• We will go over the rules and regulations and will be discussed in the June Meeting
• The first Amendment in 2011 the parking lots are assigned – legally they cannot do that
• If you have a different spot, please bring us the legal document that represents that you made a change
• Litigation update
o Matt will be communicating with us and Rick to decide if we are going to go against outlaw.
Richard Electric has done annual service for generator

Next meeting April 21, 2022.

Meeting adjourned at 7:08 P.M. by Don Monistere.

January Board Meeting 2022

Waterford at Smith Lake

Minutes for January 31, 2022

Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M. by President Don Monistere.

Members present:

Don Monistere, President
Travis Tidwell, Secretary
James Eidson
Jim Turner
Richard Kinney
Caleb Bright (Bright Management)

Members Absent:


Inspection is complete for fire system.

People’s Bank is setup and ready to use. Waterford funds will be moved to Peoples Bank.

Don makes motion to move funds to People’s, 2nd by James, board in favor.

Don makes motion to open a reserve savings account with same names (Don Monistere, Travis Tidwell and Caleb Bright) as checking account.
2nd by James, board in favor.

Pool resurface will hopefully start late February.

Elevators are up to date and no problems at the present.

Richard Electric will be servicing the sewer generator soon.

Landscape Committee will be getting quotes for steps to water’s edge to present to the board for approval.

James makes a motion to pull permits for steps to water, 2nd by Don, board in favor.

Waiting for a court date to determine our position on our plot plan dispute with our neighbor from Castle Rock Estates.

Caleb recommends we fill propane tank that sewer pumps pull from.

Signage for lower parking lot and pool bath will be addressed.

Next meeting March 15, 2022.

Meeting adjourned at 6:52 P.M. by Don Monistere.

Annual Homeowners Meeting November 21st

Waterford at Smith Lake

Minutes for November 21, 2021

Meeting called to order at 4:00 P.M. by President Don Monistere.

Members present;

Don Monistere, President
Travis Tidwell, Secretary
James Eidson    
Jim Turner
Richard Kinney (Phone-In)
Caleb Bright (Bright Management)

Members  Absent:

Roll Call was taken:      25 Present/9 proxy=34 total.

Don Monistere makes motion to approve the minutes from 2020 Annual Board Meeting, 2nd by James Eidson

Sprout Internet gives a short presentation for the new fiber internet service offered at Waterford. Anyone wanting to sign up for the new fiber internet service
can visit the website at

Old Business:

	Don Monistere talks about our year in review at Waterford Condos. Repairs and improvements made on the property with three more items being pursued.
		1. Removal of shrubs at the base of pool retaining wall.
		2. Replace removed shrubs with new.
		3. Continue legal action against neighboring boat dock that we believe is encroaching on Waterford property.

	Rick Johanson gives more details about legal action being taken to remove boat dock at the west side of Building 204.

	James Eidson encourages home owners to call Cullman County Road Dept and give a complaint about road destruction of County Road 96 leading to our propeerty.


New Business:

	Don Discusses the proposed budget for 2022.

	Vote taken to pass proposed 2022 budget with dues set for $1130.00. Budget passed unanimously.

	Vote taken for the board get bids to install steps to the lake from center grill area. Installing steps passed unanimously. Board will get bids for proposal.

	Vote taken to no longer rent spaces for long term trailer storage. Vote passed to no longer rent. Owners can still leave a trailer for seven days before 
	needing to move trailer.

	Waterfors rules will be reviewed in 1st quarter to determine if all rules are still relevent and how to enforce.

	Waterford owners need to be aware that if your HVAC needs to be replaced a crane will need to be rented to remove/replace compressor units on the roof.
	Some owners suggested they would like to replace their compressor at the same time to share cost of crane. Let Bright Management or board members 
	know if you would be interested in this option.

	Waterford has the ability to accept automatic withdrawels for HOA Dues. Let Bright Management know if you like to opt-in for this service.

	Pool ladder needs to be replaced because of missing rungs.
	Teresa Johanson makes reminder to owners to pick up after your pets.

	Jeff Tolbert announces he will be installing a storm shelter at Trident Marina.

	Some owners at Waterford have asked for a list of owners and contact information. The board does not want to give out this information without the consent 
	of the owners. Don Monistere will be adding an opt-in section to the Waterford website if you want to be added to the public list. 		
	Mr. Kontogeorge made motion to retain current board for 2022, 2nd Don Monistere, all in favor.

Meeeting adjourned at 6;17 P.M. by Don Monistere.

October 2021

Waterford at Smith Lake

Minutes for October 13, 2021

Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M. by President Don Monistere.

Members present;

Don Monistere, President

	Don Monistere, President
	Travis Tidwell, Secretary
	James Eidson   
	Richard Kinney
	Caleb Bright (Bright Management)

Members  Absent:

	Paul Schaffer

Guests Present

	Gary Askew

Old Business

	Concrete floor patches will be finished soon.

	Prep work is beginning for painting walkways, doors and rails in the stairwell.
	Parts for elevator will be arriving soon for building 200.

	Owners will be notified by email for the option to paint personal balconies. Rates 
	will be given in the email.

	Cameras are recording now but some adjustments are needed for constant power. All 
	cameras are not active yet. 

	Signs have been ordered for dumpster and pool area notifying of surveillance.

	Dock #1 needs repair at upright support and dock anchor supports. Will need to plan these
	repairs for 2022.

	Will be trying to set HOA yearly meeting for November 21, 2021.

	Sprout has started pulling internet to units. Boring to get cables to the buildings will begin 
	in a few weeks. Don Monistere made motion to pull new cable to each unit, James 2nd,
	board in favor.

	No updates on notice to move dock off of Waterford property. Lawsuit has not been filed as yet.

	Boat trailers are becoming an issue on many fronts. Board is considering bringing to vote 
	at owners meeting to do away with boat trailer storage.


New Business

	Landscape proposals have been tabled for the moment. Board feels the landscaping is in
	good shape and the committee needs to have a majority opinion before the board votes.

	Board will try to get clarity from Waterford rules about odors coming from balconies 
	as some homeowners are complaining of disturbing smells. 
	Owners will be notified to make checks to Waterford and not Bright Management.

Next meeting set for , 6:00 pm.

Meeeting adjourned at 6:57 P.M. by Don Monistere.

September 2021

Waterford at Smith Lake

Minutes for September 16, 2021

Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M. by President Don Monistere.

Members present;

Don Monistere, President

	Don Monistere, President
	Travis Tidwell, Secretary
	James Eidson
	Paul Schaffer   
	Caleb Bright (Bright Management)

Members  Absent:

	Richard Kinney

Guests Present

New Business

	Don made motion to approve minutes, 2nd Paul Shaffer, board all in favor.

	Bright Mgnt and the board discussed the painting project; exterior doorways, walkways and stairwell
	handrails. Project is estimated to be $36,000. Don makes motion to start the project, 2nd James Eidson, board in favor.

	Bright Mgnt suggests we reskin the pool interior  atthe beggining of 2022. Board will discuss and will
	decide how to move forward. Bright will have a quote for this work in a couple of weeks.

	Elevator in builing 200 should be repaired by 9/17/21.

	Board will review rules before next meeting and discuss how to enforce.
Next meeting set for October 14, 6:00 pm.

Meeeting adjourned at 6:57 P.M. by Don Monistere.

August Board Meeting 2021

Waterford at Smith Lake

Minutes for August 26, 2021

Meeting called to order at 6:02 P.M. by President Don Monistere.

Members present;

Don Monistere, President
Travis Tidwell, Secretary
James Eidson
Paul Schaffer   
Richard Kinney
Caleb Bright (Bright Management)

Members  Absent:

Guests Present

Brian Zimmerman

New Business
	Don makes motion to approve minutes from last meeting James 2nd, board in favor.

	All EIFS has been repaired that was affected by the railing project.

	Repair of holes in concrete, where old railings were removed, will begin first of September.

	Quotes have been gathered for painting doorways and walkways and board will discuss if quotes are
	in line with budgeted amount and decide how to move forward.

	Caleb requested board members inspect EIFS repair for final payment.

	Caleb has a quote for $785 from Smith Lake Plumbing to correct plumbing vents in building 200
	causing drainage problems. Board will discuss how to move forward.

	Caleb has found a replacement for breezeway fixtures and will be ordering soon.

	Caleb will be replacing/repairing random lights around the campus in the coming weeks. 

	Don makes motion to use credit cards for Waterford HOA payment and place link on the website, 2nd by Paul, board in favor.

	Caleb requests that the board look at Waterford rules and if changes are necessary, present the suggested changes at the next board 
	meeting. Board will discuss and decide how to move forward.

	Caleb has suggested Waterford do 2 HOA meetings a year to keep residents more involved. Keep the existing HOA meeting 
	and adding another meeting add mid point of the year. Board will discuss how to move forward.

	Campus cameras will be recording soon at the dumpsters in an effort to deter illegal dumping.

	Signs will be placed at the pool to remind owners that no dogs are allowed. Another sign to be added at the pool house to remind
	owners to only flush toilet paper.

	James discussed the new internet service, Sprout, that will soon be available to Waterford owners.

	Brian Zimmerman volunteered to do a monthly newsletter for the Waterford community. Board will discuss the idea and decide how to
	move forward.
Next meeting set for (TBA).

Meeeting adjourned at 7:03 P.M. by Don Monistere.

July Board meeting 2021

Waterford at Smith Lake

Minutes for June 17, 2021

Meeting called to order at 6:09 P.M. by President Don Monistere.

Members present;

Don Monistere, President
Travis Tidwell, Secretary
James Eidson
Shannon Pate (Call-In)
Richard Kinney
Caleb Bright (Bright Management)

Members Absent:

New Business

Don made motion to approve minutes, Richard 2nd, board in favor.

Cushions have been ordered for pool area.

We can not use locks on our dumpsters to deter outside dumping. Cullman sanitation suggest we build an enclosure. 
Board will be looking at options to  stop illegal dumping. 

Don will gather more information for cameras surveillance at our dumpsters.

Railings are 99% complete at building 200.

Shannon will contact Troncosco about repairing exterior walls at railings.

James makes motion to allow for electrical inspection and repairs at the docks and pool area, Richard 2nd
board in favor.

Shock I Q is scheduled to be installed on 6/23/21. 

Caleb found a problem at the pool house toilet. Electrical and sewer pump will need to
be repaired or replaced. 

Pool pump may need to replaced. Richard makes motion to replace or repair, James 2nd.
board in favor.

Parking lot fixture closest to building 204 has  been fixed.

Richard makes motion to pressure wash and fill holes when old railings were removed
Don 2nd, board in favor.

Irrigation system will need repair before it can be ran. Richard makes the motion to fix,
James 2nd, board in favor.

Don will send an email for owners to not hang materials on or over the rails.

Next meeting set for July 22 , 2021 at 6:00 P.M.

Meeeting adjourned at 8:14 P.M. by Don Monistere.