October 2023

Minutes for October, 2023

Meeting Called to Order: The meeting was called to order promptly at 6:02 P.M. by President Don Monistere.

Members Present:

  • Don Monistere, President
  • Jim Turner
  • Richard Kinney
  • James Eidson
  • Caleb Bright (Bright Management)
  • Travis Tidwell, Secretary

Members Absent: None

Homeowners Present: None

The transcript discusses property updates and recent closings.

·        One unit was sold twice on the same day for a higher price.

·        There will be an insurance inspection, including fire suppression system checks.

·        The dock was repaired, but there are leaks in the sprinkler system.

·        Some residents have been quieter lately, possibly due to improved management.

·        There is tension with one resident who complains frequently.

·        The board has successfully completed projects such as elevator repairs and air conditioner maintenance without major disruptions.

·        There are issues regarding damage from neighboring units and resolving conflicts between homeowners.

·        Summary:

·        The board plans to create a website page for local plumbers, HVAC technicians, and attorneys that residents can contact for assistance.

·        If neighbors are not behaving properly, residents should have their attorney contact them. The board can intervene if necessary.

·        The responsibility of fixing leaks falls on the homeowner above, but damage cannot be ignored without consequences.

·        The board discusses holding homeowners accountable for maintaining vinyl flooring on their porches or balconies.

·        The board considers taking on irrigation system repairs as a project but may delay other projects like paint resurfacing.

·        There is discussion about improving the lower area where rocks are located to make it more accessible.

·        A meeting is scheduled for November 10th where nominations for new board members will be considered.

·        Summary:

·        The speaker mentions being interested in spending more time with someone.

·        They express willingness to continue a certain task for another year.

·        The speaker’s work schedule is changing, allowing them to spend more time in Birmingham and at the lake.

·        They mention that their work life is impacted by changes in the IT industry and high-profile customers.

·        Elections can have an impact on their work from an IT perspective, which surprises them.

·        There is a desire for the speaker to have more time at a condo or grills.

·        The conversation shifts towards getting bourbon and sharing stories before being cautious about revealing personal information due to stereotypes.

Action items:

·        From the transcript, there are several follow-ups and action items that can be identified:

·        1. The first action item is to discuss the recent closing of Unit 103 in building two, which was sold twice in the same day. The conversation suggests that this may need further investigation or clarification.

·        2. The second action item is to prepare for an insurance inspection. The property manager mentions that the inspector will be checking the fire suppression system and may also require a fire extinguisher to be placed at the pool.

·        3. Another action item is to address the leaks in the sprinkler system. It is mentioned that the property manager is considering shutting down the system for the year due to cold weather, but this would result in a loss of water at the grills. It is suggested to discuss this with Travis, who has knowledge about the sprinkler system.

·        4. The transcript also brings up the issue of loud residents becoming quieter. It is mentioned that it is unclear whether this is due to the residents feeling like their concerns are being addressed or if they are becoming confident in the property management.

·        5. There is a discussion about a homeowner who is causing problems and complaining about various issues, including damage to neighboring units. The action item here is to clarify the board’s role in mediating conflicts between neighbors and establish a protocol for addressing damage caused by neighboring units.

·        6. The property manager mentions the need to address the vinyl on people’s porches, which often gets damaged during windstorms. The action item is to inform homeowners that the responsibility for maintaining the vinyl on their porches falls on them, and if they fail to take action, the board may step in and charge them for repairs.

·        7. The property manager also mentions the possibility of taking on the project of redesigning the lower area where the rocks are located, as it is difficult to navigate with items like wheeled coolers. This can be considered as a potential project for the next year.

·        8. There is a discussion about a homeowner who has not paid any assessments for the year, resulting in a significant outstanding amount. The action item is for the property manager to provide the homeowner’s contact information to the attorney and start the process of filing a lien.

·        9. The property manager mentions the need to review the possibility of assessments for the year and whether any projects need to be undertaken. The action item is to review the financial status and consider the irrigation system as a potential project.

·        10. It is also mentioned that there may be a need to add language to the rules regarding the response to damage caused by neighboring units. The action item is to draft appropriate language and present it at the annual meeting.

·        11. Lastly, there is a discussion about the board membership and whether there will be any changes. The action item is to ask for nominations and determine if any changes are desired or necessary.

·        Please note that this is a comprehensive list based on the information provided in the transcript.


·        Unit 103 in building two had a closing last week, owned by Gary Asphig.

·        There was some surprise or disbelief expressed about something that happened.

·        The company told someone about something, possibly related to the closing.

·        Fire extinguishers were mentioned as something that might come up frequently.

·        There was a discussion about a protocol for handling damage in one’s unit caused by a neighboring unit.

·        The idea of adding language to the rules about responding to written requests from neighbors was mentioned.

·        There was a mention of a line in the rules about a fee for going into any unit.

·        The need to inform homeowners about the consequences of not fixing something was raised.

·        There was a question about whether there would be any assessments for the year.

·        The possibility of taking on projects, specifically addressing irrigation, was discussed.

·        There was a suggestion to isolate a spit at the grills and run a line for it.

·        Slides for an upcoming meeting were mentioned, with an expectation of some fireworks.

·        The importance of transparency and open conversation was emphasized.

·        A statement made by someone that was clarified, emphasizing that there are no obligations.

·        The speaker mentioned being in the middle of something in their work life.


September 2023

Waterford at Smith Lake

Minutes for September 14, 2023

Meeting Called to Order: The meeting was called to order promptly at 6:02 P.M. by President Don Monistere.

Members Present:

  • Don Monistere, President
  • Jim Turner
  • Richard Kinney
  • James Eidson
  • Caleb Bright (Bright Management)
  • Travis Tidwell, Secretary

Members Absent: None

Homeowners Present: None

Old Business:

  1. PWC Ports and Slip Rentals: Caleb initiated a discussion regarding PWC (Personal Watercraft) ports and the availability of extra slips. The Board has decided to proceed with acquiring a formal contract for owners to sign for slip rentals.
  2. Dock #3 Repair: It was reported that Dock #3 has undergone necessary repairs and is now in satisfactory condition.
  3. Elevator in Building 200: It was noted that the elevator in Building 200 is operational. The elevator company has been contacted to make minor door adjustments for improved functionality.
  4. Dock Winch Usage: A reminder was issued by Caleb, requesting that owners refrain from attaching or tying any ropes or mooring lines to the winches on the docks.
  5. Water Dripping from Light Fixtures: Caleb addressed concerns raised by homeowners regarding water dripping from light fixtures. Caleb and Travis have engaged in discussions to explore potential solutions. It has been noted that, in some instances, condensation in the metal ductwork may be contributing to the issue.
  6. Wooden Deck at Building 204: The board acknowledged that the wooden deck at Building 204 is in a deteriorated state. As a temporary measure, it is recommended to replace damaged 5/4 boards. A decision regarding a permanent solution will be deferred until after the resolution of any ongoing lawsuits.

New Business:

  1. Internet Setup for Elevator in Building 204: Don will undertake an assessment of equipment prices for the establishment of an internet connection for the elevator in Building 204. This endeavor is aimed at reducing the overall cost of elevator phone service.
  2. Responsibilities of Bright Management: The board conducted a comprehensive discussion concerning the roles and responsibilities of Bright Management within the Waterford community. It was unanimously decided that the performance of Bright Management reflects upon the Board. Accordingly, any complaints or concerns should be directed to the Board, which will take appropriate actions as necessary.

Next Meeting: The date for the next meeting will be announced at a later date.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 P.M. by President Don Monistere.

June 2023 Board Meeting

Waterford at Smith Lake

Minutes for June 29, 2023

The meeting was called to order at 6:07 P.M. by James Eidson, seconded by Richard Kinney. The following members were present: James Eidson, Caleb Bright (Bright Management), Travis Tidwell (Secretary), and Richard Kinney. Don Monistere and Jim Turner were absent.

During the meeting, the following matters were discussed:

Old Business:

  • Railings have been touched up.
  • Elevator work is underway, and good progress is being made, except for a faulty part that has slowed down the installation.
  • All windows on the Trident side of building 200 have been caulked.
  • The Board has instructed Bright Management to no longer have verbal communications with unreasonable unit owners.

New Business:

  • Following multiple complaints, the board recommends removing the plants that attract bees at the pool area. Richard made a motion to remove the bee-attracting plants from the pool area, which was seconded by James. The board approved the motion.
  • Caleb will check with Freddy Day Catering for the July 29 Waterford meeting.
  • The board discussed the installation of a sidewalk through the gravel section between building 200 and 204. Caleb will obtain a price quote for the board.

The next meeting date is to be announced.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 P.M. by James Eidson, seconded by Richard Kinney. The board was in favor of adjournment.

May 2023 Board Meeting


Chapter 1: Elevator and Handrail Updates

0:00-1:23: Discussion about elevator repair schedule

1:24-2:18: Discussion about repairing handrails

Chapter 2: Gutters and Irrigation

2:19-3:44: Discussion about completed gutters and potential piping solutions

3:45-4:24: Update on irrigation leak and plans for locating the leak

Chapter 3: Board Meeting and Newsletters

4:25-7:12: Discussion about upcoming board meeting and potential board members for next year

7:13-8:14: Discussion about newsletters and reminders about unit access

Chapter 4: Lawsuit and Property Ownership

8:15-12:08: Update on lawsuit and depositions related to property ownership and boundaries

Chapter 5: Miscellaneous Updates

12:09-13:14: Quick update on graph improvement

13:15-13:30: Brief discussion about lawsuit and water testing

13:31-14:38: Discussion about pool cleanliness and upcoming travel plans

Chapter 6: Meeting Conclusion

14:39-15:00: Meeting concludes with motion to close and well wishes

meeting summary:

Caleb gives an update on elevator repairs, which are set to start next week and take about three weeks to complete. The board discusses repairing handrails and sending out an email reminding owners of bylaws requiring access for pest control. They also discuss options for piping a new center gutter. The irrigation system is malfunctioning and needs repair. The board schedules their next meeting for July 29th and considers future board member options. Overall, the property looks better than it has in years according to Connie’s observation.

The group discusses various topics including the success of recent projects, updates on a lawsuit, potential land leasing/purchasing opportunities, and the state of the property after a holiday weekend. They also mention personal news such as upcoming vacations and health updates. The meeting ends with a motion to close.

Keywords:elevators, handrails, irrigation, newsletter, board members, dumpsters.


Caleb gives an update about recent events

Elevator received a complaint

A project manager from the Birmingham office is working on a project

Repairing of handrails is scheduled to start soon

Gutters may need to be piped away from the building

An inspection has been done

There are issues with the irrigation system’s controller

The board meeting date needs to change

A newsletter needs to be sent out

There is discussion about changing the way things are being done

There is an ongoing lawsuit about a property line

Water testing needs to be done

Pool maintenance has been successful

The meeting is adjourned

Action items:


Elevator repair scheduled to start next week

Project manager assigned for elevator repair

Handrail repairs starting on front of building first, then balconies

Access to units required for pest control and emergencies

Action items:

Send email to owners about handrail repairs and access to units for pest control/emergencies

Decide whether or not to pipe center gutter away from building

Replace irrigation controller (estimate cost)

Change board meeting date to July 29th

Consider potential new board members for next year


Finish setting up and adding one more camera by next week.

Filter or replace rocks between two condos to prevent injuries.

Contact James Otto about the possibility of leasing or purchasing the Pine Thicket property.

Action Items:

Replace irrigation controller for $800.

Continue with depositions for lawsuit and explore potential land lease with James Otto.

April 2023

Waterford at Smith Lake

Minutes for April 25, 2023

Meeting called to order at 6:05 P.M. by President Don Monistere.

Members present:
Don Monistere, President
James Eidson
Jim Turner
Caleb Bright (Bright Management)
Travis Tidwell, Secretary

Members Absent:
Richard Kinney

Homeowners and special appointees present:
Theresa Johanson – Commuinications Secretary

Old Business:

HVAC Project – Everything is completed except for two elevator rooms – He core drilled todaywe are making progress

Elevator – Materials have not been delivered supposed to be here the first or second week of May

AC for room – will do all the electrical and look at the fire alarm system and looking to get power to the grill area – this should be completed in the next two to three weeks

Gutters – they were back today working on building 200 – Down spouts are not in yet by 4:30 – They did the roof repair – he is putting scaffolding up and we should see him out this week

Railings – Travis sent and email on this – still waiting on materials. They were scheduled to be delivered to him, not us and then it needs to be fabricated – There are alot them that need to be done and we need to make sure w give him plenty of time since he is doing this under wrranty we do not want to rush the situation so it can be done correctly.

Docks – We are doing repairs on the Docks – Dock 3 cable break – the anchors are there and wo we need to add a stabilizer – Dock 1 – needs to be repaird – Dock 2 – likely in the month of May

Watre Leaks – Irrigation leak in fornt of 200 – got that fixed. We have another leak and we cant find. we are leaking alot of water – Next step, hire a leak detection company cost is minimum $800.00

Need to meet with the post lady – locks for the post box

New Business:

  • Insurance Renewal came to us – not a huge change in premium but they are asking us to fill out a statement of values. Sign off on the value 5.8 million per building 611K to – Docks are likely 500K – Need to see what 800K on external stuctures would cost us, anything below 3K per year we should do.
  • Trampelene is moved
  • July 15th HOA get together at the Lake
  • HVAC project is completley paid for
  • 81 K in operating and we have not paid for the roof yet, and we will need to come out of reserve (130K) for the remaning Elevator repair
    • Need to pay when materials get here
  • For Sale By Owner issues – talked to the closing attorney
  • Hydrangeas are small but will grow like Don almost did 🙂 – and warrantied for 1 year
  • Need to remove mail box so we do noth get mail there, it is not our official address. We will check to make sure that no official mail is going there and then remove the box altogether

Motion to close meeting carried at 7:54
Next Meeting is May 23 at 6:00

October Board Meeting 2022

Waterford at Smith Lake HOA Meeting
Minutes for October 27,2022
Meeting called to order at 6:05 P.M. by President Don Monistere.

Members present:
Don Monistere, President
Travis Tidwell, Secretary
James Eidson
Jim Turner
Caleb Bright (Bright Management)

None Present

Members Absent:
Richard Kinney

Motion to open meeting by Don, 2nd James Eidson
Caleb Bright gives updates:
Alabama Ornamental has contacted Caleb for railing repair
Elevator parts have been ordered for approved repairs. Will start repairs when parts arrive.
Quote for gutter cleaning and gutter replacement have been acquired. Gutter cleaning: Gutter replacement: Lift $5800 for a week
Parking lot light needs to be replaced. Caleb recommends replacing all bulbs with LED bulbs to make rental of lift more cost effective.
Caleb will be putting a lock on pool house bathroom door to keep unauthorized personal from using our facilities.
Caleb will have the county sanitation move our dumpsters because of issues with getting them dumped.
Motion made to repair/replace irrigation system by Don, second by James, board in favor.
New Business:
Emails are sent for annual meeting. Email will be sent for proxy download.
Next meeting November 29, 2022.
Meeting adjourned at 6:43 P.M. by Don Monistere.

Annual Homeowners Meeting December 4, 2022

Waterford at Smith Lake

Meeting called to order at 3:04 PM by Don Monistere

Members present:
Don Monistere, President
Travis Tidwell, Secretary
James Eidson
Jim Turner
Richard Kinney
Caleb Bright (Bright Management)

Members Absent: 0

Roll Call results:

Homeowners present: 31

Homeowners represented by proxy: 5

Total: 36

Old Business:
Motion made by Don Monistere to pass 2021 HOA minutes, 2nd James Eidson, HOA in favor.

Don Monistere gives a brief description of projects completed and maintenance issues we are still dealing with. Overall we
had a succesful year but still have work to do.

New Business:
Don Monistere discusses 2023 budget. Utility and material costs will be increasing in 2023, which will affect our budget and
upcoming dues.

People outside of the Waterford community have been using our poolhouse bathroom. Bright Management installed an electronic keypad to combat this issue. Code to unlock the bathroom at pool is 9696.

Waterford has paid for repairs to be done to both elevators. Repair work will begin as soon as the parts become available.

Don Monistere discussed the need to replace HVAC units. All units are nearing the end of life and replacing all will save each homeowner
money but will also allow for necessary roof repairs to be done. Bright Management will be sending an email to all owners to see who will
be interested in participating. The Board has asked Keith Townes (One Source Heating and Cooling) to give a presentation at the annual
meeting to inform owners of price to do full replacement. Keith Townes has offered to do the work for $6300 per unit if enough onwers
participate. Replacement is not manditory but all units will need to be removed to repair roof. A cost of $800 will be charged to units for
this removal with no guarantee that the unit will work after it is reinstalled. New equipment will be American Standard/Train with 10 year parts
and 5 year labor warranty.

Board will need to find out who still uses the satellite dishes. These will also need to be removed for the roof repairs. Bright management will
contact owners about this issue as there will be a disruption in service.

Stan Gillard made motion to repair roof and remove HVAC units, 2nd Theresa Johanson, HOA in favor.

Current HOA Board Members will remain in service as there were no new nominees.

Peggy Magette made motion to pass the budget and HOA dues of $1329 (this includes assessment) per quarter, 2nd by Brad Parnell, HOA in favor.

Brad Parnell asked the board to assess the overall condition of our wooden deck. Board will look into correcting the deck issues.

Brad Parnell asked about our ongoing land dispute. Rick Johanson addressed our current legal situation for the Homowners. In conclusion,
Rick Johanson feels it will be another year before we get some sort of ruling.

Jimmy Magette asked for an update on our railings that are peeling. Alabama Ornamental has been contacted and will start repairing the rails
as soon as the materials become available.

Stan Gillard asked if ladders from the docks could be installed for water access. Board will look into options for this situation.

The board was asked about steps leading to the water from the bank. The Bright Management has looked into this and found this will incur a much
greater cost that initially anticipated. Board will discuss options to solve this issue.

Brad Parnell made motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:06 PM, 2nd by Don Monistere, HOA in favor.

September Board Meeting 2022

  • Meeting called to order at 6:05pm by President, Don Monistere
  • Members Present:
    • Don Monistere, President
    • Travis Tidwell, Secretary
    • James Eidson
    • Richard Kinney
    • Jim Turner
    • Caleb Bright, Bright Management
  • Homeowners:
    • Rick Johanson
  • Members Absent: None

Existing Business

  • Motion to open meeting by Don, 2nd James Eidson
  • Caleb Bright gives updates:
  • Elevator technician visited Waterford on 9/27. Worked on elevator in building 200 but still waiting on parts.
  • Money- Moved 40K – proposed to move 20K back
  • Elevator Update – We had a technician out there today
    • Everything will move pretty quickly and the moisture and leaking of the cylinders. The call button will be an issue because the buttons are hard to get.
    • Moisture is hard to find where it is coming from. so it looks like it is coming down the walls
    • Don Suggested looking into a custom creation of plexi enclosure to make it water resistant with a rubber grommet
    • Payment has been made and parts are ordered. No ETA for parts as of yet.
  • Irrigation -36K to replace – there are 10 zones that are working – the rest of them are not working and we need to look at something with newer components
  • Reached out to Colby Nichols to see about the hand rails and getting the issue of the peeling resolved- It seems like it should be covered as a manufacturer’s defect.
  • Caleb is getting a price for cleaning gutters and replacing as required.
  • Rick Johanson gave an update about the land dispute. Matt Carter is responding to a discovery request by Mitch Gorman’s council. We have received some information from our discovery request. Rick feels most of Mr. Gorman’s council requests are irrelevant to our case.
  • Requested the permit from Alabama Power for the RIP
    • Jim Turner will try to get a copy of the permit
    • Tina Benkiser was the President at that time
    • They want the deeds – surveys – etc. etc.
  • Update from our attorney about our land dispute. The defendant’s lawyer is requesting documentation proving the property is owned by Waterford.
  • HVAC – We need to try and get people to come together for HVAC replacement
    • Richard is going to ask Keith about it.
  • James Eidson will get with Tolbert

New Business

  • December Annual Meeting –
    • Don Will send email Next Week with Date and time
    • Can we hold it at the Restaurant and have him cater afterwards
  • December 4th at 3:00 is the Annual Meeting
  • Board discussed Bright Management being bonded. Discussion led to the discovery that the risk is minimal and deemed unnecessary with the checks and balances that are currently in place.
  • Board Members

Next meeting is October 20, 2022

Meeting adjourned at 7:52pm by Don Monistere

August Board Meeting 2022

Waterford at Smith Lake

Minutes for August 23,2022

Meeting called to order at 6:05 P.M. by President Don Monistere.

Members present:

Don Monistere, President
Travis Tidwell, Secretary
James Eidson    
Jim Turner
Caleb Bright (Bright Management)


Members  Absent:

Richard Kinney

Existing Business:

Motion to open meeting by Don, 2nd James Eidson

	Caleb Bright gives updates:

Has not received any information from Alabama Ornamental about the powder coating problems. Travis will try to contact.

Dock three's broken anchors are now fixed. All docks are anchored. Still waiting for decking material on dock 2.
Caleb will follow up on decking material. Upright poll on dock number 1 still needs repair. 
Send email to homeowners about elevator status. September 1 will start the new maintenance program with Otis. Elevators are fully functioning with the exception of call button on bottom floor of building 200. Building 200 elevator can be rode to bottom floor. 

Send email to remind homeowners to rinse before entering the pool after visiting the lake.

Caleb is getting a quote for cleaning/replacing gutters at problem areas.

Board discussed irrigation system and how to repair/replace system. Caleb will get us a quote for said work.

Four of six cameras are now functioning around the property.

New Business:

James Eidson makes motion to add to the rules that homeowners can rent their boat slips only to Waterford owners. 2nd Don Monistere board in favor.

Board will send an email/letter to any homeowner that intends to rent their unit short term stating	Waterford rules.

Don makes motion to table any landscaping improvements until irrigation system is working correctly.2nd Jim, board in favor.

Next meeting Septmeber 27, 2022.

Meeeting adjourned at 7:18 P.M. by Don Monistere.

June Board Meeting 2022

Waterford at Smith Lake

Minutes for June 14,2022

Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M. by President Don Monistere.

Members present:

Don Monistere, President
Travis Tidwell, Secretary
James Eidson
Jim Turner
Richard Kinney
Caleb Bright (Bright Management)

Homeowners Present:

Teresa Johanson

Members Absent:


Motion to open meeting by Don Monistere, 2nd Travis Tidwell.

Motion to approve minutes from previous meeting by Don Monistere, 2nd Jim Turner, board in favor.

Caleb Bright gives updates:

    Ladders for pool are about a week out.

    Pool light is installed. 

    Elevators parts still have not arrived. Building 200 elevator has a hydraulic leak
    and needs to be repaired. When hydraulic leak repair begins, elevator will need to 
    be put out of service till repair is done.

    Waterford elevators are no longer produced which is a big part of the delay in repairs.

    No update for railing repair but Caleb will call Alabama Ornamental to get an update.

    Motion to approve Waterford rules by James Eidson, 2nd Don Monistere, board in favor.  

New Business:

Midseason HOA meetaing July 2nd at 5:30 pm. HOA will cater the meats and ask homeowners to 
bring a side to share.

The storms that rolled through caused damage at dock #3. Repairs are made and dock is open.

Window leaks have been reported on the East side of building 200. Board will discuss how to handle.     

Soft wash for three sides of building 200 and 204. Cost will be $12,000 for both buildings.
Motion to approve James Eidson, 2nd Richard Kinney, board in favor.

Plants by the light poles on the waterside of building will be removed and replaced by a plant 
that Caleb suggests. Dead plants on the parking lot side of building to be removed and 
replaced. Board will consider replacement recommendations for parking lot side of building.

Next meeting , 2022.

Meeting adjourned at 6:57 P.M. by Don Monistere.