August 2024

Waterford at Smith Lake

Minutes for August 27, 2024

Meeting Details:

Time: The meeting was called to order at 6:07 P.M. by President Don Monistere, seconded by James Eidson.

Members Present:

  • Don Monistere, President
  • James Eidson
  • Caleb Bright (Bright Management)
  • Travis Tidwell, Secretary

Members Absent:

  • Richard Kinney
  • Jim Turner

Homeowners Present: None

Old Business:

  1. Elevator Parts Update:
    • All required elevator parts have been ordered. Otis Elevator Company will notify the Board when the parts arrive for installation. Additionally, Otis has provided a list of necessary items that must be installed before they can commence work.
  2. Irrigation System Installation:
    • Bright Management is scheduled to begin installing the new irrigation system on the Tuesday following Labor Day.
  3. Delinquent Payments:
    • The Board will be sending out emails to owners who are behind on their payments to address and resolve any outstanding balances.

New Business:

  1. New Grilling Area Umbrella:
    • James Eidson purchased a new umbrella for the grilling area. The Board has approved reimbursement to James for the purchase.
  2. Future Grilling Area Furniture:
    • Caleb suggested considering Polywood furniture as a durable option for future replacement of the grilling area furniture.

Meeting Adjournment:

The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 P.M. by President Don Monistere, seconded by James Eidson, with the Board in favor.

July 2024

Waterford at Smith Lake

Minutes for July 5, 2024

Meeting Details:

  • Time: Meeting called to order at 11:05 AM by President Don Monistere, seconded by James Eidson.
  • Members Present:
    • Don Monistere
    • James Eidson
    • Caleb Bright (Bright Management)
    • Richard Kinney
    • Jim Turner
    • Travis Tidwell
  • Members Absent: None
  • Homeowners Present: None

Old Business:

  1. Grounds Update:
    • Caleb provided an update on the grounds, stating that overall conditions are satisfactory.
    • Elevator and irrigation repairs and installations are still pending. The irrigation project will be tabled until quotes for the elevator are obtained, after which the Board will decide how to proceed.
  2. Landscape Committee Requests:
    • The committee has requested that the plants around the pool be replaced with shorter plants.
    • The Board has requested a detailed plan for the new landscaping.
    • The Landscape Committee needs to hold a meeting, record minutes, and vote on the plan. The Board will act based on the committee’s decision.
    • Landscape Committee Members: Connie Schnider, Theresa Johanson, Tonya Beal, Jolie Richerzhagen, Kim Boyer.
  3. Building 204 Elevator Issues:
    • The elevator parts have arrived; however, the starter board received was incorrect. The correct part is awaited.
    • Additionally, the lift cylinder is leaking fluid and will need to be replaced or repaired. Caleb is obtaining quotes for repacking the cylinder.

New Business:

  1. Dock Access Improvement:
    • The Board has requested Caleb to provide a quote for adding steps next to the concrete ramp leading to Dock #2 gangway.
  2. Fourth Floor Walkway Crossover:
    • The Board has requested Caleb to acquire a quote for a fourth-floor walkway crossover to improve access between buildings in case of future elevator failures.
  3. Pool Furniture Cushions:
    • The Board is considering replacing the pool furniture cushions.
    • James Eidson made a motion for Caleb to find replacement cushions. Don Monistere seconded the motion, and the Board voted in favor.
  4. Stairwell Repair:
    • The bottom baluster in the stairwell near the center of building 200 needs to be repaired as it is rusted through and is no longer attached at the bottom.


  • The meeting was adjourned at 12:08 PM by Don Monistere, seconded by James Eidson, with the Board in favor.

April 2004

Minutes of the Meeting
Waterford at Smith Lake
Date: April 16, 2024
Time: 6:09 P.M. – 6:55 P.M.
Presiding: Don Monistere (President)
• Don Monistere
• James Eidson
• Caleb Bright (Bright Management)
• Travis Tidwell (Secretary)
• Richard Kinney
• Jim Turner
Absent: [List absent members]
Homeowners Present: [Specify if any]

Old Business:

  1. Irrigation Installation: Scheduling issues are causing delays in the installation process.
  2. Delinquent Owners: The Board will instruct Matt Carter to file a lien on delinquent owners.
  3. Legal Matters: Arbitration with neighbor Mitch Goreman is scheduled for June 18, 2024.
  4. Access to Units: Matt Carter will send letters to owners denying access to the Board.

New Business:

Water bill was super high! need to go into Condos to search for running toilets or leaking faucets

May 2024

Minutes of the Meeting
Waterford at Smith Lake
Date: May 16, 2024
Time: 6:09 P.M. – 6:55 P.M.
Presiding: Don Monistere (President)
• Don Monistere
• James Eidson
• Caleb Bright (Bright Management)
• Travis Tidwell (Secretary)
• Richard Kinney
• Jim Turner
Absent: [List absent members]
Homeowners Present: [Specify if any]

Old Business:

  1. Dock Maintenance: It was agreed to pressure wash the docks before Memorial Day Weekend.
  2. Irrigation Installation: Scheduling issues are causing delays in the installation process.
  3. High Water Bill: Building 200 reported an unusually high water bill last month. Bright Management is investigating the issue.
  4. Delinquent Owners: The Board will instruct Matt Carter to file a lien on delinquent owners.
  5. Legal Matters: Arbitration with neighbor Mitch Goreman is scheduled for June 18, 2024.
  6. Access to Units: Matt Carter will send letters to owners denying access to the Board.

New Business:

  1. Elevator Repair: Options for elevator repair in Building 204 were discussed. Otis Elevator presented two options:
    o Repairing the hydraulic pump for $30,000 with a lead time of four to six weeks.
    o Full remodel for $130,000 with a lead time of fourteen to sixteen weeks. After thorough discussion, it was decided to repair/replace the hydraulic pump. James Eidson motioned for the repair, seconded by Don Monistere. The motion passed with the board in favor.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 P.M. by Don Monistere, seconded by James Eidson, with the boar

March 2024

Minutes for March 28, 2024

Meeting Called to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:09 P.M. by President Don Monistere, with James Eidson seconding the motion.

Members Present:

  • Don Monistere
  • James Eidson
  • Caleb Bright (Bright Management)
  • Travis Tidwell, Secretary
  • Richard Kinney
  • Jim Turner

Members Absent: None

Homeowners Present: None

Old Business:

  1. Financial Posting: Don Monistere has posted the financials on the website for review by all members.
  2. Boat Ramp Keys: Caleb will distribute the new boat ramp keys once the email notification is sent to all owners.
  3. Unit Access Reminder: Don will send an email reminding all unit owners that the board requires access to all units for servicing or urgent needs.
  4. HOA Dues Delinquency: Don will send another email to delinquent unit owners regarding HOA dues and assessments, informing them of Waterford’s intent to place a lien on the property.
  5. Dock Lights: Caleb has addressed the issue of dock lights that are out.
  6. Pressure Washing: Pressure washing will commence after the pollen season has ended.
  7. Irrigation Installation: Irrigation installation is still a few weeks away, pending the grass turning green for quicker recovery.
  8. Landscaping: Most landscaping issues, including dead plants, will be addressed after the irrigation system is installed.
  9. Deck Closure: The deck at Building 204 is in poor condition. The board has decided to close the deck until repairs or replacement is finalized. Signs will be posted accordingly.
  10. Parking Lot Maintenance: James inquired about striping and sealing the asphalt parking lot. Don suggested waiting until the June meeting for a homeowner vote on the matter.
  11. Concrete Walkway Pricing: Caleb will obtain pricing for a concrete walkway through the pea gravel, while Travis will gather estimates for the work.

New Business: None

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:04 P.M. by President Don Monistere, with James seconding the motion. The board unanimously approved the adjournment.

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February 2024

Meeting Called to Order: The meeting commenced at 6:02 P.M., with President Don Monistere presiding. James Eidson seconded the motion.

Members Present:

Don Monistere
James Eidson
Caleb Bright (Bright Management)
Travis Tidwell, Secretary
Richard Kinney
Jim Turner
Members Absent: None

Homeowners Present: None

Old Business:

Boat Ramp Lock: A new lock for the boat ramp is now available. New keys will be issued and placed in respective units. Caleb or Don Monistere will send an email to notify residents of the date of key distribution.

Fire Inspection: The recent fire inspection was successfully passed. Inspector’s requests are being addressed by Caleb to ensure compliance.

Tax Filing: Waterford tax information is prepared for filing. Caleb is awaiting response from the accountant.

Irrigation Update: The irrigation project is pending, with Caleb waiting for the grass to regain its greenery before commencing work for quicker recovery.

Unit Repair: Parnell’s unit, damaged by a fire sprinkler, has been repaired, and expenses have been reimbursed accordingly.

Motion for Reimbursement: James proposed a motion to waive one quarter of Brian Richerzhagen’s reimbursement for previous sprinkler damage. Don seconded the motion, and the board unanimously approved.

Property Dispute Lawsuit Update: James Eidson provided an update on the ongoing lawsuit concerning a property dispute.

New Business:

Downspout Replacement: Materials for the replacement of the damaged downspout on Building 200 are ready for installation.

Acceptance of Credit Cards: The Board will explore the feasibility of accepting credit cards for all HOA dues and expenses. Further discussion on this matter will take place in the next meeting, date to be announced for 2024.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 6:41 P.M. by President Don Monistere, with James seconding the motion. The board unanimously approved the adjournment.

Annual Homeowner’s Meeting – December 10th 2023

Waterford Annual HOA Meeting Minutes

Date: December 10, 2023

Location: Trident Marina

Board Members Present:

  • Don Monistere
  • Travis Tidwell
  • Jim Turner
  • James Eidson

Board Member Absent:

  • Richard Kinney

Meeting Overview: The annual HOA meeting was called to order by President Don Monistere. Roll call was conducted by Travis Tidwell, revealing the presence of 21 individuals and 11 proxy votes. Quorum was acknowledged.

Board Continuation: President Don Monistere announced that the current board members, including himself, Travis Tidwell, Jim Turner, and James Eidson, will continue to serve for the 2024 year.

Introduction of Board Members: President Monistere provided a brief description of each current board member’s achievements and bios.

Reserve Study Discussion: Don Monistere initiated a discussion on the reserve study, detailing past accomplishments and outlining future considerations. The board expressed interest in updating the reserve study, contingent on favorable pricing.

Major Projects Completed in 2023:

  • Replacement of HVAC units and repair of the flat roof.
  • Completion of elevator repair in Building 200.
  • Replacement of gutters on the east side of Building 200.
  • Caulking of transom windows on the east side of Building 200.

Website Enhancements: President Monistere introduced a new feature on the Waterford website – a service ticket system for easier tracking of results. He also highlighted the implementation of an AI-powered chatbot named “Hecklefish” on the website to assist with queries related to Waterford’s rules, regulations, and bylaws.

Financial Updates: President Monistere announced that there would be no assessments for 2023. The proposed focus for 2024 includes the replacement/repair of the irrigation system, integrated into the budget. Detailed financial information is available on the Waterford website. 

Reserve Study Revisit: President Monistere revisited the reserve study, contemplating the refacing of dryvit/stucco walls or painting. While these options were discussed, they are not currently considered top priorities due to the buildings having several years of service left.

Other Considerations:

  • Concrete sidewalk between buildings for easier passage through pea gravel.
  • Review of the landscape budget.
  • Reseal/stripe the parking lot.

Concerns and Updates:

  • Investigation of potholes at the top of the boat ramp.
  • Detailed explanation of the 2024 budget proposal, with homeowners voting in favor of option #3 at $1635 per quarter.

Additional Concerns and Updates:

  • Request to put dock lights on timers to reduce insects and spiders.
  • Update on Waterford’s ongoing lawsuit with Mitch Gorman, with hopes of resolution in 2024.
  • Request to check inconsistent dusk-to-dawn lights on Building 204.
  • Request for advanced notice from Bright Management regarding pest control contractor visits. Pest control is done
  • is executed the third Thursday of each Month. One floor per visit.

Adjournment: Jim Turner motioned to adjourn the meeting at 5:15 PM, seconded by Don Monistere. The motion was unanimously approved by the HOA.

Additional Information: For those requiring more detailed information, the entire presentation will be made available on the Waterford website.

July 2023

Waterford at Smith Lake

Minutes for July 27 2023

The meeting was called to order at 6:04 P.M. by James Eidson, seconded by Richard Kinney. The following members were present: James Eidson, Caleb Bright (Bright Management), Travis Tidwell (Secretary), and Richard Kinney. Don Monistere and Jim Turner were absent.

During the meeting, the following matters were discussed:

Old Business:

  • Schedules were too crazy for the summer to have the half year meeting. don to post video and PowerPoint update .

New Business:

  • No new business to speak of – will review any suggestions or new requests after the Summer Update

The next meeting date is to be announced.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 P.M. by James Eidson, seconded by Richard Kinney. The board was in favor of adjournment.