Annual Homeowners Meeting December 4, 2022

Waterford at Smith Lake

Meeting called to order at 3:04 PM by Don Monistere

Members present:
Don Monistere, President
Travis Tidwell, Secretary
James Eidson
Jim Turner
Richard Kinney
Caleb Bright (Bright Management)

Members Absent: 0

Roll Call results:

Homeowners present: 31

Homeowners represented by proxy: 5

Total: 36

Old Business:
Motion made by Don Monistere to pass 2021 HOA minutes, 2nd James Eidson, HOA in favor.

Don Monistere gives a brief description of projects completed and maintenance issues we are still dealing with. Overall we
had a succesful year but still have work to do.

New Business:
Don Monistere discusses 2023 budget. Utility and material costs will be increasing in 2023, which will affect our budget and
upcoming dues.

People outside of the Waterford community have been using our poolhouse bathroom. Bright Management installed an electronic keypad to combat this issue. Code to unlock the bathroom at pool is 9696.

Waterford has paid for repairs to be done to both elevators. Repair work will begin as soon as the parts become available.

Don Monistere discussed the need to replace HVAC units. All units are nearing the end of life and replacing all will save each homeowner
money but will also allow for necessary roof repairs to be done. Bright Management will be sending an email to all owners to see who will
be interested in participating. The Board has asked Keith Townes (One Source Heating and Cooling) to give a presentation at the annual
meeting to inform owners of price to do full replacement. Keith Townes has offered to do the work for $6300 per unit if enough onwers
participate. Replacement is not manditory but all units will need to be removed to repair roof. A cost of $800 will be charged to units for
this removal with no guarantee that the unit will work after it is reinstalled. New equipment will be American Standard/Train with 10 year parts
and 5 year labor warranty.

Board will need to find out who still uses the satellite dishes. These will also need to be removed for the roof repairs. Bright management will
contact owners about this issue as there will be a disruption in service.

Stan Gillard made motion to repair roof and remove HVAC units, 2nd Theresa Johanson, HOA in favor.

Current HOA Board Members will remain in service as there were no new nominees.

Peggy Magette made motion to pass the budget and HOA dues of $1329 (this includes assessment) per quarter, 2nd by Brad Parnell, HOA in favor.

Brad Parnell asked the board to assess the overall condition of our wooden deck. Board will look into correcting the deck issues.

Brad Parnell asked about our ongoing land dispute. Rick Johanson addressed our current legal situation for the Homowners. In conclusion,
Rick Johanson feels it will be another year before we get some sort of ruling.

Jimmy Magette asked for an update on our railings that are peeling. Alabama Ornamental has been contacted and will start repairing the rails
as soon as the materials become available.

Stan Gillard asked if ladders from the docks could be installed for water access. Board will look into options for this situation.

The board was asked about steps leading to the water from the bank. The Bright Management has looked into this and found this will incur a much
greater cost that initially anticipated. Board will discuss options to solve this issue.

Brad Parnell made motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:06 PM, 2nd by Don Monistere, HOA in favor.

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