May Board Meeting 2022

Open the Meeting

Update From Caleb

Pool will be resurfaced on Tuesday 
Cracks in the stairs and underneath the lights - Needed to see if they were in the shell of the pool - Two areas where the shell was cracked 
Ladders have never been removed.  We need to cut them out - We will incurr the cost of a new ladder - For both ladders 
Grout Line needs to be fixed - All the tile he saved 
Not regrouting between the tiles.  He would regrout there. 
Light runs off of 120 volts - 12 volt LED bulb.  The converter to 120 to 12 volts - 

Still have some broken post on Pier 1 - We need to look at that - Need to 

Light replaced from people moving 400 and 401 was moving 

Where are we on the rules review - James and Jim went through all of the rules trying to update them and trying to address the things that need to be deleted 
and added. - Sent the redline version and then included a clean version 

    2 items added that were new - short term rentals language to get more control over this and it makes sense to add fees for violations 

    We had some rules that we could not eforce, so we need to make sure that we can enforce across the board.   

Rentals - we should put a minimum of 7 days. 
Everything is long term - Mr. Cady in 401 is in the rental pool and adheres to 7 day minimum - Any units purchased would be 

Lawsuit - Rick was on the call.  We had our motion to dismiss - would have allowed us to win. 

    Are we going to do any discovery in order to have a trial. Rick and Matt visited with the surveyor Danny Moore who eventually did the Platt - Jackie Davis worked for the surveying company that did the Platt. Danny says that they did a survey without the three lots.  Jackie later brought in the deed of the 3 lots. Jackie told Danny that the owners had decided to add the three lots as common area.  Danny doesnt have a deed nor did he talk to anyone else.  We called Jackie and she didnt remember much. The most interesting thing is that since these conversations happened at different times the field book  has a notation before the lots were discussed - separately they did add the 3 lotts to the plot - you would think that people would think it is to get he three lots added. 

What else is available?  What else can we find to build our case.  The Regions Mortgage did not include the three lots. We feel comfortable that we should win. The attourney is good at what he does- We continue to pursue this because we have a great case.We should have control of adverse possession. 

    Check when we laid rip rap - To put that rock there we would have had to permit that through Alabama power and it should be documented - 
    What point in time would that have been obtained.  2009 - 2013    

Landscaping and Recomendation by the Committee – final decision here is still outstanding

Action Items –

Caleb to get Camera Access 
Need to look at the rules

Names New Business

Two Owners are interested in renting a guest slip. 

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