March Board Meeting 2022

Waterford at Smith Lake HOA Board Meeting

Waterford at Smith Lake HOA Board Meeting
March 15,2022

Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M. by President Don Monistere.

Members Present:
Don Monistere, President
Travis Tidwell, Secretary
James Eidson
Jim Turner
Richard Kinney
Caleb Bright (Bright Management)

Members Absent: N/A
Motion to open meeting by Don, 2nd by Travis.
Motion to approve the minutes from the last Board meeting, approved.
Caleb Updates:
Deposit has been sent for resurfacing of pool. Work scheduled to be completed by April 15th.
Lights in the stairwell had a problem in 204 during a rainstorm. Waiting for drier weather to see if moisture is the culprit.
Region’s accounts have all been closed and moved to People’s Bank.
• This will be shown in March financials.
Peeling powder coat on handrails for Bldg. 204 is being addressed. Caleb has contacted Alabama Ornamental to find a solution.
• Reviewed rules, damage waiver fee.
Breezeway paint is flaking and solutions are being discussed to find a course of action to take. Water that is standing is making the paint come up.
Most condos have move in and move out damage deposits. Elevators are being damaged with people moving in and out.
Pressure washing will start in the next two weeks for docks, breezeways and the pool area.
Thompson Gas will fill propane tanks for the generators in the next two weeks.
Caleb requested camera access. Don will give to Caleb access when he arrives at Waterford.
Building 204, unit 100- patio will flood during heavy rains. Board is discussing solutions to solve problem. Richard made motion to fix, Don 2nd, board in favor.
• Caleb will find a solution. Potentially get a bigger grate to allow more particles. Put rock around it to clean the water before it gets to the grate.
Don’s personal assistant can be contacted at: She can be contacted when Don is unable to respond.
Don will confirm voting results for landscape committee before board will approve recommendations. Also, board has voiced its concerns about the replacement plants and have asked Caleb to come up with some optional plants that will perform better.
Alabama power states that erosion control/rip rap, below 510′ cannot start until November 1, 2022, and must be completed before March 31, 2023. Work above 510′ can start anytime after permit is secured. Permits are good for one year until May 14th. If we add later, anything below 522. Will have preliminary numbers for June and cost.
Caleb will acquire estimates for the steps and erosion control for the next HOA annual meeting.
The Board will review the Waterford rules and regulations. The Board will discuss if any items need to be updated. Discuss Rules and path forward (great work Jim.)
• Review for unenforceable rules and regulations.
• Caleb, Jim and James to get together
• We will go over the rules and regulations and will be discussed in the June Meeting
• The first Amendment in 2011 the parking lots are assigned – legally they cannot do that
• If you have a different spot, please bring us the legal document that represents that you made a change
• Litigation update
o Matt will be communicating with us and Rick to decide if we are going to go against outlaw.
Richard Electric has done annual service for generator

Next meeting April 21, 2022.

Meeting adjourned at 7:08 P.M. by Don Monistere.

One thought on “March Board Meeting 2022”

  1. Obviously the dog leash rule is ineffective. What to do???? I think we need to consider more Handicapped parking spaces. 2 desginated spaces is not enough. I have an Idea—- move spaces just above the pool down by a couple of spaces and open up the top 2 spaces for additional Handicapped parking. ie: use the open spaces to accommodate this need. There would be no need for another ramp as current ramp would be accessible by all Handicapped spaces. Wish we could look into this as to cost, etc.

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