Annual Homeowners Meeting November 21st

Waterford at Smith Lake

Minutes for November 21, 2021

Meeting called to order at 4:00 P.M. by President Don Monistere.

Members present;

Don Monistere, President
Travis Tidwell, Secretary
James Eidson    
Jim Turner
Richard Kinney (Phone-In)
Caleb Bright (Bright Management)

Members  Absent:

Roll Call was taken:      25 Present/9 proxy=34 total.

Don Monistere makes motion to approve the minutes from 2020 Annual Board Meeting, 2nd by James Eidson

Sprout Internet gives a short presentation for the new fiber internet service offered at Waterford. Anyone wanting to sign up for the new fiber internet service
can visit the website at

Old Business:

	Don Monistere talks about our year in review at Waterford Condos. Repairs and improvements made on the property with three more items being pursued.
		1. Removal of shrubs at the base of pool retaining wall.
		2. Replace removed shrubs with new.
		3. Continue legal action against neighboring boat dock that we believe is encroaching on Waterford property.

	Rick Johanson gives more details about legal action being taken to remove boat dock at the west side of Building 204.

	James Eidson encourages home owners to call Cullman County Road Dept and give a complaint about road destruction of County Road 96 leading to our propeerty.


New Business:

	Don Discusses the proposed budget for 2022.

	Vote taken to pass proposed 2022 budget with dues set for $1130.00. Budget passed unanimously.

	Vote taken for the board get bids to install steps to the lake from center grill area. Installing steps passed unanimously. Board will get bids for proposal.

	Vote taken to no longer rent spaces for long term trailer storage. Vote passed to no longer rent. Owners can still leave a trailer for seven days before 
	needing to move trailer.

	Waterfors rules will be reviewed in 1st quarter to determine if all rules are still relevent and how to enforce.

	Waterford owners need to be aware that if your HVAC needs to be replaced a crane will need to be rented to remove/replace compressor units on the roof.
	Some owners suggested they would like to replace their compressor at the same time to share cost of crane. Let Bright Management or board members 
	know if you would be interested in this option.

	Waterford has the ability to accept automatic withdrawels for HOA Dues. Let Bright Management know if you like to opt-in for this service.

	Pool ladder needs to be replaced because of missing rungs.
	Teresa Johanson makes reminder to owners to pick up after your pets.

	Jeff Tolbert announces he will be installing a storm shelter at Trident Marina.

	Some owners at Waterford have asked for a list of owners and contact information. The board does not want to give out this information without the consent 
	of the owners. Don Monistere will be adding an opt-in section to the Waterford website if you want to be added to the public list. 		
	Mr. Kontogeorge made motion to retain current board for 2022, 2nd Don Monistere, all in favor.

Meeeting adjourned at 6;17 P.M. by Don Monistere.

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