January Board Meeting 2021

Waterford at Smith Lake

Minutes for January 7, 2021

Meeting called to order at 6:35 P.M. by President Don Monistere.

Members present;

  • Don Monistere, President
  • Travis Tidwell, Secretary
  • James Eidson    
  • Shannon Pate
  • Caleb Bright (Bright Management)

Members  Absent: 

  • Richard Kinney

New Business:

Don created and tested the test form on the website for concerns or problems for homeowners to communicate with Bright.

Don checked on liability insurance

Board is still trying to comprise a corrected owners list.

Bright Management: 

Bank account: Regarding Bank Accounts: 


Money Market/Reserve

  • Don Monistere made motion to remove Kent Quinn, Charles Morris and J Randall Riehl from Regions account. James Eidson 2nd the motion, board in favor.
  • Don Monistere made motion to add Don Monistere, Travis Tidwell and Caleb Bright to Regions account 2nd James Eidson, board in favor.
  • Bright needs an approval for monetary amount that would need to have two signatures. Board decided anything over $10,000.00

or if making a debit from the reserve will need verifying or two signatures.

Regular Business 

  • Board discusses how to send assessment:
    • Option 1 is to send one bill for the full amount.
    • Option 2 is to send the assessment in 4 installments with HOA dues.
  • The board looked at the declaration and will bill the assessment in four installments which is in-keeping with what the declaration suggests should be the case. We will not deviate from what the dec suggests.
  • Neighboring land issues are still being pursued by the board.
  • Caleb talked to Target Pest Control about spraying units. Board will advise homeowners to use website to inform the board of bug issues in units so Bright Management 

can notify Target for a respray.

  • James Eidson ask board to be thinking about Waterford Insurance renewal. Insurance policy will be up for renewal this spring.
  • Fire system will be tested January 20, 2021 starting around 8:00 a.m. Testing will last roughtly 4 hours.

Next meeting set for February 11, 2021 at 6:30 P.M.

Meeeting adjourned at 7:55 P.M. by Don Monistere.

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