Annual Homeowners Meeting – November 17, 2019

Minutes for November 17, 2019

Meeting called to order at 3:07 p.m. by President Larry Wilson.

Members present;

Larry Wilson, President
Travis Tidwell, Secretary
Duff Cady
James Eidson
Don Monistere Treasurer

Members Absent:

Larry Wilson opened meeting and directedTravis Tidwell to proceed with roll call.

Travis Tidwell made a motion to approve the minutes of the last annual meeting. Duff Cady second the motion with HOA in favor.

Old Business:

Larry Wilson gives a review of the 2019 year events.

    *The loss of two trees on the east side of the property. One due to storms and the other was being destroyed by carpenter ants.
    *Repair of grilling deck at Building 204.
    *Dock repairs: Dock #2 anchors were replaced and dock #1 gangway repaired.
    *Railings repaired/replaced at elevator by elevators of building 200 and unit 203 building 200.
    *New fire alarm system installed.
    *Building 204 elevator issues have been resolved.

New Business

Don Monistere presents the suggested 2020 budget and discusses items that were not budgeted for 2019. These unbudgeted items will result in a
$290.00 assessment for each unit. Don Monistere makes motion to approve 2020 budget. Second by Rick Johanson with HOA in favor.        

Access road between the upper parking lot and lower parking lot is in nee of repair. The board has acquired a bid to remove the damaged asphalt 
and replace it with concrete. Travis Tidwell made motion to approve $18,000 for said repair. Duff Cady second the motion with HOA in favor.

Waterford's trash dumpsters are being used by people outside of our community and the board is trying to come up with a solution for this problem.
The board would also like to ask homeowners to break down any large cardboard boxes before placing them in the dumpsters.

Don Monistere discusses the benefits of Waterford's website. Questions were raised about the legality of some of the uses described by Don. Don
Monistere made motion to use a sub committee to research the bylaws to ensure we are operating within these limits.

James Eidson made the motion to approve a swim pier. Don Monistere second the motion with the HOA voting down the motion.

Rick Johanson suggests the board look into who is responsible for the replacement of balcony railings.

Theresa Johanson asks the board to approve sunscreen materials being used by owners to protect their boats.

Mrs. Carter ask the board to remind owners to install board hangers on boat side of walkways.

Charles Morris makes motion to reinstate existing 2019 board members for year 2020. Julius Bloomston seconds with HOA in favor.

Duff Cady wants the board to remind owners to clear mail from mailboxes.

Meeting adjourned at 5:25 p.m. by Larry Wilson.

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