Waterford at Smith Lake
Minutes for June 29, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 6:07 P.M. by James Eidson, seconded by Richard Kinney. The following members were present: James Eidson, Caleb Bright (Bright Management), Travis Tidwell (Secretary), and Richard Kinney. Don Monistere and Jim Turner were absent.
During the meeting, the following matters were discussed:
Old Business:
- Railings have been touched up.
- Elevator work is underway, and good progress is being made, except for a faulty part that has slowed down the installation.
- All windows on the Trident side of building 200 have been caulked.
- The Board has instructed Bright Management to no longer have verbal communications with unreasonable unit owners.
New Business:
- Following multiple complaints, the board recommends removing the plants that attract bees at the pool area. Richard made a motion to remove the bee-attracting plants from the pool area, which was seconded by James. The board approved the motion.
- Caleb will check with Freddy Day Catering for the July 29 Waterford meeting.
- The board discussed the installation of a sidewalk through the gravel section between building 200 and 204. Caleb will obtain a price quote for the board.
The next meeting date is to be announced.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 P.M. by James Eidson, seconded by Richard Kinney. The board was in favor of adjournment.