May 2024

Minutes of the Meeting
Waterford at Smith Lake
Date: May 16, 2024
Time: 6:09 P.M. – 6:55 P.M.
Presiding: Don Monistere (President)
• Don Monistere
• James Eidson
• Caleb Bright (Bright Management)
• Travis Tidwell (Secretary)
• Richard Kinney
• Jim Turner
Absent: [List absent members]
Homeowners Present: [Specify if any]

Old Business:

  1. Dock Maintenance: It was agreed to pressure wash the docks before Memorial Day Weekend.
  2. Irrigation Installation: Scheduling issues are causing delays in the installation process.
  3. High Water Bill: Building 200 reported an unusually high water bill last month. Bright Management is investigating the issue.
  4. Delinquent Owners: The Board will instruct Matt Carter to file a lien on delinquent owners.
  5. Legal Matters: Arbitration with neighbor Mitch Goreman is scheduled for June 18, 2024.
  6. Access to Units: Matt Carter will send letters to owners denying access to the Board.

New Business:

  1. Elevator Repair: Options for elevator repair in Building 204 were discussed. Otis Elevator presented two options:
    o Repairing the hydraulic pump for $30,000 with a lead time of four to six weeks.
    o Full remodel for $130,000 with a lead time of fourteen to sixteen weeks. After thorough discussion, it was decided to repair/replace the hydraulic pump. James Eidson motioned for the repair, seconded by Don Monistere. The motion passed with the board in favor.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 P.M. by Don Monistere, seconded by James Eidson, with the boar

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