February 2024

Meeting Called to Order: The meeting commenced at 6:02 P.M., with President Don Monistere presiding. James Eidson seconded the motion.

Members Present:

Don Monistere
James Eidson
Caleb Bright (Bright Management)
Travis Tidwell, Secretary
Richard Kinney
Jim Turner
Members Absent: None

Homeowners Present: None

Old Business:

Boat Ramp Lock: A new lock for the boat ramp is now available. New keys will be issued and placed in respective units. Caleb or Don Monistere will send an email to notify residents of the date of key distribution.

Fire Inspection: The recent fire inspection was successfully passed. Inspector’s requests are being addressed by Caleb to ensure compliance.

Tax Filing: Waterford tax information is prepared for filing. Caleb is awaiting response from the accountant.

Irrigation Update: The irrigation project is pending, with Caleb waiting for the grass to regain its greenery before commencing work for quicker recovery.

Unit Repair: Parnell’s unit, damaged by a fire sprinkler, has been repaired, and expenses have been reimbursed accordingly.

Motion for Reimbursement: James proposed a motion to waive one quarter of Brian Richerzhagen’s reimbursement for previous sprinkler damage. Don seconded the motion, and the board unanimously approved.

Property Dispute Lawsuit Update: James Eidson provided an update on the ongoing lawsuit concerning a property dispute.

New Business:

Downspout Replacement: Materials for the replacement of the damaged downspout on Building 200 are ready for installation.

Acceptance of Credit Cards: The Board will explore the feasibility of accepting credit cards for all HOA dues and expenses. Further discussion on this matter will take place in the next meeting, date to be announced for 2024.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 6:41 P.M. by President Don Monistere, with James seconding the motion. The board unanimously approved the adjournment.