October 2021

Waterford at Smith Lake

Minutes for October 13, 2021

Meeting called to order at 6:00 P.M. by President Don Monistere.

Members present;

Don Monistere, President

	Don Monistere, President
	Travis Tidwell, Secretary
	James Eidson   
	Richard Kinney
	Caleb Bright (Bright Management)

Members  Absent:

	Paul Schaffer

Guests Present

	Gary Askew

Old Business

	Concrete floor patches will be finished soon.

	Prep work is beginning for painting walkways, doors and rails in the stairwell.
	Parts for elevator will be arriving soon for building 200.

	Owners will be notified by email for the option to paint personal balconies. Rates 
	will be given in the email.

	Cameras are recording now but some adjustments are needed for constant power. All 
	cameras are not active yet. 

	Signs have been ordered for dumpster and pool area notifying of surveillance.

	Dock #1 needs repair at upright support and dock anchor supports. Will need to plan these
	repairs for 2022.

	Will be trying to set HOA yearly meeting for November 21, 2021.

	Sprout has started pulling internet to units. Boring to get cables to the buildings will begin 
	in a few weeks. Don Monistere made motion to pull new cable to each unit, James 2nd,
	board in favor.

	No updates on notice to move dock off of Waterford property. Lawsuit has not been filed as yet.

	Boat trailers are becoming an issue on many fronts. Board is considering bringing to vote 
	at owners meeting to do away with boat trailer storage.


New Business

	Landscape proposals have been tabled for the moment. Board feels the landscaping is in
	good shape and the committee needs to have a majority opinion before the board votes.

	Board will try to get clarity from Waterford rules about odors coming from balconies 
	as some homeowners are complaining of disturbing smells. 
	Owners will be notified to make checks to Waterford and not Bright Management.

Next meeting set for , 6:00 pm.

Meeeting adjourned at 6:57 P.M. by Don Monistere.

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