Board Meeting July 14th, 2019

Waterford at Smith Lake- Minutes for July 14, 2019

Meeting called to order at 10:06 a.m. by President Larry Wilson.
Members Present: Larry Wilson, Travis Tidewell, Duff Cady, James Edison Members Absent: Don Monistere


Mellisa Curtis has sold her Unit and we need to nominate a replacemnet on the board. Larry has nominated James Eidson, 2nd by Duff, board was in favor

Larrry discusses removing tree on the corner of building 200. $2500 is the bid to remove the tree by C & H Tree sevice. Larry made the motion to have tree removed, 2nd by James, board on favor.

BMS fixed anchors on dock #2. BMS still has work to be done and Duff will try to contact them to find out when they will finish,

Oustide dumping is becoming a real problem and the board is discussing how to handle either with game cameras or video cameras. The board willexplore options to stop outside dumping.

Larry recommends that the fans on the patios between buildings 200 and 204 be replaced with lights. Larry will look at finding a light and will present to the board for approval.

James will contact Neuren Const. to repair roof edge and asphalt drive to lower lot.

Duff discusses painting floors, stairs and door frames. Duff makes motion to move board meetings to 3rd Saturday of each month, 2nd by Larry

Larry wants to get an update on financials to see where we stand so we can start working on 2020 budget.

Next meeting August 17, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. Meeeting adjourned at 11:52 a.m. by Larry Wilson.

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